german brothers
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
oh! oh! did you try to give fruit to yourselfbut i was indeed roleblocked. i just won't tell you why i know yet.
funnier that way.
lol sorry! i was just wondering if you disagreed with something i said and figured i'd ask.Uh, my thought process was basically "she's talking about thinking -> show a thinking react". I put way less time into evaluating which react to use than you seem to be imagining :P It was originally a "Like" but I changed it because it wasn't quite so expressive.
think i projected because i pretty much only use the thinking react facetiouslylol sorry! i was just wondering if you disagreed with something i said and figured i'd ask.Uh, my thought process was basically "she's talking about thinking -> show a thinking react". I put way less time into evaluating which react to use than you seem to be imagining :P It was originally a "Like" but I changed it because it wasn't quite so expressive.
edited, put someone in the wrong tier![]()
"Positive blonde guy, showing OK sign, demonstares that everything is fine"
rsp (?)
come post!!!:
F for my idol:
seshas </3
13 * .25 ~ 3 wolves, maybe 4?Uhhhh does anyone know how many maf we can expect with this number of players?
smh i avoided pr spec too, where's the raritini trust!?I'm inclined to trust kokorico for now due to them not wanting to spec on power roles ^^
i said this and proceeded to not be as comfortable saying this because i guess it could be 3 in/1 out but this isn't really worth thinking about yet i supposei think in a setup initially meant for 11 players i feel pretty comfortable saying on o*tgroup lmao