Dark Fishing Sis
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Words are indeed hard.Rrr this is not the right way to say it but words hard.mechanically thinky
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Words are indeed hard.Rrr this is not the right way to say it but words hard.mechanically thinky
Yeah every kill in Cats was because we needed to eliminate specifically that person that night, not to keep others alive - and I came up with the counterclaim plan after all the VTs had claimedfwiw it’s not what happened in cats either. keldeo can attest that we didn’t let blu live just for the scapegoat and the cassandra plan was something that kel came up with in the same Day.
- rari
Sad frowny face tbhWait @Bluwiikoon sorry if you already mentioned but what is your read on MP?
Uhh iirc generally talking about safe stuff / orthogonal to thread, Empoof would call him not in flow, I don't agree with Eifie's read on his initial read on you but I feel meh on how he walked it backTell me more about Jack, but I'd likely do that, sure.
What do you think of Jack?brief thoughts on voting:
- disinclined to vote Blu because I want to hear his discussion toMorrow
- VF can't elaborate on Thoughts without claiming, so disinclined to vote them
- ??? for koko tbh
Let me see if I agree. I did feel like he was handling me with... some sort of gloves.Uhh iirc generally talking about safe stuff / orthogonal to thread, Empoof would call him not in flow, I don't agree with Eifie's read on his initial read on you but I feel meh on how he walked it backTell me more about Jack, but I'd likely do that, sure.
Sorry for saying that if that wasn't the case!! Lategame cats was just really frustrating for me, and that's just kinda how it felt ^^;fwiw it’s not what happened in cats either. keldeo can attest that we didn’t let blu live just for the scapegoat and the cassandra plan was something that kel came up with in the same Day.i am admittedly biased because what he said is like, not what happened in snomfia tbh. as someone who was wolf therev!Blu feeling frustrated at being placed in a similar situation as a previous game tbh
but it's also distinctly possible he doesn't realize that ig. but he's sort of been a bit like, defensive as it is so it feels like a pattern to me
- rari
ig trying to balance wagons could be v!Jack being solvey for the sake of trying to pinpoint mafia, but it could also be w!Jack trying to not get a partner yeetedWhat do you think of Jack?brief thoughts on voting:
- disinclined to vote Blu because I want to hear his discussion toMorrow
- VF can't elaborate on Thoughts without claiming, so disinclined to vote them
- ??? for koko tbh
ok i’m not fully caught up but i must say i am at a mindmeldvon has done, nothing, but meme as far as i can remember. maybe put a little pressure on a few people. didn't roleclaim.
blu has claimed an incredibly obscure version of the jailer role which i don't even think mf has used and is using one person's testimony as PROOF they're town
Like I absolutely understand what he means about mechanics focus and the thread being super active because he's one of the old guard and the thread was super active, but there's like... I think more of a sense of genuineness that I should have picked up on by now? Does that make sense?Uhh iirc generally talking about safe stuff / orthogonal to thread, Empoof would call him not in flow, I don't agree with Eifie's read on his initial read on you but I feel meh on how he walked it backTell me more about Jack, but I'd likely do that, sure.
This seems unprompted, if we're talking about pre-emptive defenses being a Thing.I will probably say it in every single mafia game I play, but I feel comfortable in mid- to late-game when mechanical interactions start being important and I am completely lost in early game when it's all memes and gutreads
sorry to talk about ongoing games but he had something happen in a current game that warrants this post imoThis seems unprompted, if we're talking about pre-emptive defenses being a Thing.