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Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 5 (INNOCENT VICTORY)

Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 2

Laugh if Nemec is the cop or Tsunade (Healer).

So yeah. Nemec is gone, its agreed.

What about after that? Nemec was our only lead.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 2

Meh, might as well.

Nemec was led to the scaffold. However...

Nemec was dead. He was not Mafia. You have 48 hours.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 3

At the headcount, Flora was not there. Also, Barubu was also dead, and the two corpses seemed to have been embracing as they died.

Flora and Barubu were dead. Neither were mafia. You have 72 hours.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

Embracing? Sounds like the pair, or lover.... I think most likely the pair. I still don't see any leads either.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

D: This is so hard. I keep feeling that my role could have been useful if I had chosen the right person.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

Barubu and Grass King have still not posted. Other than that...flavor text suggests Usagi and her lover. However, since there was a death last night (and Nemec was innocent) there may have been an activation on one of the past two nights. If the Mafia had sense, they would have re-murdered the alien the night after, but hey, maybe they though it was a healer block. Anyway, putting that out there. I'm feeling equally useless about the "who to lynch," as no post jumps out at me as suspicious.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

Guys. I have a guilty. I investigated moon-panther, and I got mafia. So, my vote goes moon-panther.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

D: This is so hard. I keep feeling that my role could have been useful if I had chosen the right person.

Is that a roleclaim as Healer?

Guys. I have a guilty. I investigated moon-panther, and I got mafia. So, my vote goes moon-panther.

Um. Inspector roleclaim, and there's still a possibility of Konan being alive.

Idk here.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

...Wait, what? You think I'm mafia? I'm offended.

...no, not really. But what the heck can I say to prove my innocence. Of all the games I've seen, once you start saying "I'm not mafia!" you're toast.

Quite the situation I'm in. I'm damned if a do, damned if I don't.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

...Wait, what? You think I'm mafia? I'm offended.

...no, not really. But what the heck can I say to prove my innocence. Of all the games I've seen, once you start saying "I'm not mafia!" you're toast.

Quite the situation I'm in. I'm damned if a do, damned if I don't.

What is your role and stuff. If you can prove innocence, I am willing to believe you.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

....And if you need my role to prove my innocents, that only makes me think that you aren't really the investigator to begin with. Which then brings to mind the thought that maybe you are the mafia and trying to use me as a shield for you to live another day.

...I'm starting to think you aren't the Investigator at all.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

*sigh* Okay, this is why mafia is a hard game to play. I have no idea who I should be siding with here. So, as I am bored and feeling silly, I'm going to role-claim. Hello, my name is Konan.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

ARGH! You people aren't making this any easier... I have a feeling we're screwed either way.... I am going to second the vote on moon-panther
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

I think that moon-panther's logic seems solid enough. I do suppose that Teacher could have just wanted to be able to investigate someone else tonight, but it seems suspicious to me. I think I'll go ahead and vote Teacher9985 for now.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

Hmm...who's lying? I think Teacher tells the truth, so I vote Teacher 9985. Because I'm not on your side!
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

If we still have a tie in 24 hours, both moon-panther AND Teacher9985 will die.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 3

The town vote had reached an impasse. Therefore, the only thing to do was lynch both of them.

moon-panther and Teacher9985 are dead. moon-panther was Mafia, while Teacher9985 was not. You have 48 hours.
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