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Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 5 (INNOCENT VICTORY)

Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 4

At the headcount the next day, nobody died. Also, it appeared that some were not doing their duty.

Nobody died. You have 48 hours.

Also, nice going, guys. TWO of you with a nightly night action didn't send them in, and you're both now on two strikes.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

Can you tell us whether the no kill was due to mafia no-action
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

This is really annoying.

Obviously we are dealing with the most incompotent mafia ever.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

Obviously the mafia has to be some newer member or newer mafia player to neglect there job in the killy bits.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

Before you start to suspect me because I'm a newb, and because you find some correlation between the fact that I haven't posted much, I just want to say that I haven't been posting because there has been little to say, and I've been having a lot of things to do. I can role-claim is needed.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

Man, the Mafia I work for is terrible. They can't even send in night actions? Why am I even on their side?

That said, I'm going to vote for Griffin, just in case it was their fault my beloved Mafia failed.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

If I'm not mistaken, ole_schooler is trying to, not so subtly, get herself lynched. The only reason someone would try to get lynched was if they were the alien, so I feel that lynching ole_schooler would be the last we ought to do. We might be able to lynch griffin, though, seeing as how they haven't posted much. On the other hand, griffin might be the alien, as being quiet during dicussion is a common tactic for aliens. Of course, I can only be as sure as anyone else, and I'm just throwing out ideas.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

or we could say innocents win because the mafia fails cookies. Your defense.... I feel it suspicious... more a gut feeling than anything... I vote for werefish5
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

Sorry! I'm on a different time zone than you guys, so I can't manage to be on concurrently. And I wonder...why are you calling me alien for being quiet, then claiming your quietness has a reason?
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

No, he was saying that he was mafia and I might have stopped him, since I roleclaimed healer. Then again, yeah, might be claiming I was mafia.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

Weee, another tie! Now, no one else vote, so that both of them will be killed! Two innocents in one go!

(And yes, I'm trying to be lynched, but only so I can help out the remaining Mafia by making myself a better target and taking one of you down with me.)
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

I don't like being lynched, and it seems that no one else is going to vote. I don't really suspect Griffin as mafia or as alien, but I know that I can still help us win, seeing as how I haven't used my one-time use action yet. If, tommorow, you still want to lynch me, you can go ahead and do that. I'm afraid I've got to go with Griffin.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 4

Griffin was led to the scaffold, and was duly lynched.

Griffin is dead. She was not Mafia. You have 48 hours.

Also, @werefish5: you're still alive. I accidentally clicked on "Kill player" on your name, not sseing that you had cast a vote. So you're still in this.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Night 5

At the headcount, Grass King was found dead.

Grass King is dead. He was mafia. 48 hours.
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 5

Well, crud. How did that happen? I mean, revenge would have given two kills, as would fishing brothers. I guess...healer clash and more lazy mafia? Or the mafia finally got up off their bum, but targeted the variable alignment, who happened to chose mafia? Or maybe they were the activated alien. Or maybe the mafia got bored and targeted themselves. Although there is one "other role" that might have had something to do with it.

Eh, whatever, I'm still a target. I'm going to lynch Phantom, for insulting the mafia (yet being completely correct...seriously, who targets their own? Are you going to kill me tonight?)
Re: Anime Mafia - Girls' Night Out: Day 5

Okay, you know what?

I'm the revenge killer.

Fuck this role.

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