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Open Another

Late to the festival. But Liesel didn't mind, there would still be plenty things to do, yeah? Not that she really wanted to, though she supposed she'd have to do something so she'd be able to tell her parents, and hopefully they'd maybe leave her alone; at least for a while. It's not that she didn't want to go out and be social or something or make a friend, but she never really saw the need for it. Okay fine, and she didn't really want to.

She let out a small sigh, wandering around aimlessly as her tattered scarf earned her some odd looks. Okay the games looked interesting, but the ones she was interested in had long lines. And by long, she meant LONG. She she left those for later, ignoring the logic that waiting for later would make the lines longer.

Might as well eat something, and she was getting kind of hungry, what with all the mouth-watering smells and seeing people eat. Her pale-blue gaze fell on a nearby ramen stand. With a pang she realised she hadn't eaten ramen in forever, since...

Shaking the thought off she made her way to the stand.

"What would you like?" The server asked.

"I'll have one bowl of ramen, please." She said in her quiet voice.

Liesel looked up suddenly, just in time to see the bright lavender light flare in the sky, and stared at the phenomenon, awestruck. Yeah, she had seen the glow, but never this close.
Drew spent almost all of his time in the cafe. He spent over an hour sipping a large cup of hot chocolate that was much too sweet for his taste. He ordered a few pastries to eliminate his hunger, nibbling at them occasionally throughout the hours. Most of the time he spent reading a book he had brought along It was titled "One World", and it told the relatively bland story of a politician's life. He wouldn't normally be reading it, but he had never been the type to try carnival games and their other entertaining relatives.

He was completely mellowed out thanks to the quiet swing music emanating from the speakers above his head. The tunes made him feel drowsy, and combined with the boring plot of his book he nearly fell asleep a few times. He was one of the only people in the cafe, and thus no-one noticed his sleeping spells. He realized with a pang of disappointment that his sister would have noticed, and she would have given him a conversation to work with, a way to keep him occupied.

Not wishing to reminisce about his sister and her wonderful personality, Drew left the cafe and peered up at the moon. It was nearly midnight, and he knew he had very little time left before the festival would really begin. Deciding that Katrina would want a look at all of the attractions that were offered he began to power walk through the streets of the town, taking photo after photo of anything that he felt would interest his sister. He realized at that time that he wouldn't be able to answer any of his little sister's questions about the attractions, but it was too late to make amends in that department.

Drew returned to the bonfire area quicker than expected, not realizing just how small the village really was. As he debated whether he should return top the cafe or not, a brilliant flash of light caught his eye. A lavender light was shining down from a tall mountain in the distance, amazingly lighting up the festival grounds. He stared in awe for a few seconds before he took a few more photographs, capturing the flood of purple light perfectly.
Tokine eyes started to drop, which was weird considering Torchic burned her eyelids clean off. Tokine really did want to sleep, but she wanted to be up for the event.With a great big yawn, Tokine instructed Artemis to,"Wak...me...p...if I...sleep...."Tokine was too tired to even say complete sentences. With the last word in that sentence, Tokine fell asleep. Artemis did as much as a facepalm as a Torchic can do. Artemis pecked Tokine in the eyelid-less eye, and that jolted her up. At least it was better than fire. However, now Tokine cannot see from her right eye. "Artemis....Why...did you peck me...in the eye?" Tokine whispered so she wouldn't seem like a Pokemon abuser infront of people."Let's just go eat a little snack."

There were much more restraunts here. The one that looked the most appetizing was the sushi stand. Ooh! Tokine loves sushi! Maybe getting a little sushi would be good! But what should Tokine get? Maybe some rice or ramen. "Excuse me, I'd like two orders of ramen to go." Tokine asked. A sign said the price of one serving was $1, so two servings were just $2. Tokine paid two dollars, and got the ramen. She gave one to Artemis and started eatting on hers. "Hey Artemis, let's eat at the bonfire" Tokine suggested. Artemis gave a happy cheer. "C'mon, it's almost time!"Tokine said and rushed over there, with Artemis right behind.

Tokine sat down near the bonfire. She was mesmerized before by it, so she wouldn't be again. he looked up. It was almost time. "Artemis, it's almost time. I wonder what the event will be?" Tokine wondered. She didn't have to worry about being tired, because Artemis pecked on of her freakin' eyes out! Then again, this should be a festive time! Tokine was extremely excited at what will happen next."Torchic torchic!(Hooray hooray!)" Artemis peeped.
"...WOAH!" Steven said, gazing at the purple flare, "Better get to the bonfire for a closer look."

He glanced at Arylett.

"Guess I may see you around here." he said, with a smile.

He ran over to the bonfire area. He managed to make it there in a few minutes.

"Does anyone know if that flare is natural?" he asked, "There was that transformer box at the gate. ...Even if it is man-made...it's amazing...."

He then saw the dancers.

"Excellent costume design..." he muttered, "And talented too...."
When Mrs. Hammond came back with three cups of ramen noodles, she handed them to her son and husband, the beautiful smile still on her face. She sat back down, and the family continued to stare at the bonfire while slurping up noodles. A drumming noise started up, and the Hammonds' attentions turned to the three women dressed up in gaudy outfits and started dancing. They reminded Maxwell of the old legends his mother would lull him to sleep with, the one about the dragons...

Then there was the light. The purple light, framed by the mountains. It seemed so far away, yet shone so brightly. It was really pretty.
Tokine saw the boy named Steven come by. Maybe Tokine could meet a new friend Tokine walked up to Steven. "Hi. I'm Tokine. What's your name?" Tokine was always shy, but it felt kind of drab to only be friends with her Torchic, so how bad could it be to just open up?
"How are you liking the festival? Isn't it awesome?", Tokine asks.

To think, all Tokine wanted to do was to get away from her siblings. Then again, if it weren't for her siblings, she wouldn't want to come here. In a way, she should thank them! Artemis wanted to meet this new guy, so she jumped into Tokine's arms and lifts one of her wings, indicating 'Hello'. "Oh, have you met my Torchic Artemis?", Tokine asks.
Noticing something happening at the bonfire, Liesel finished up her ramen quickly. She headed over to the bonfire watching the women begin to dance. She tilted her head, observing the movements and the costumes that they wore. For some reason those costumes looked familiar.

And then it hit her. They were the dragons from that musty old book of legends she had once found; she vaguely remembered begging Lucas to read the book to her. She could barely remember anything from the book or what it had said; though she was almost certain they were who the women were dressed up as.
Angel seemed mesmerized at the shining of the lavender light. It had gotten so... bright, within such a short time... a nagging feeling in the back of her head told her that something big was about to happen, something massive.

She barely saw the figure rise off of the earth in front of it, adding to the light with what seemed to be his bare hands... the tightness around her, the feeling of changing shape...

...Until it was too late.

The flash of white was gone as quickly as it came, and then...




Her head was spinning... had she passed out last night? She looked around as her eyes regained focus. There were such... strange creatures all around her... they were surrounded by lush rainforest and greenery, and it seemed to be daylight now... She could've sworn she'd had a dream about this once. But she felt... closer to the ground than normal?

She tried to lift a hand to her face... and screamed when she saw they weren't hands anymore.

"Wha- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" She flailed around frantically, eyes eventually locking onto the only seeming human in the area... that old man she'd seen the night before. He wore a wide grin, staring right at her and then springing up to pace around.

He seemed to speak very... fast. "Yes, it's just as I thought! Those strange humans were indeed Anothers! Oh, I can only imagine what awful magic must have been used on you, did that wretched man take to Flaxflevium? No, no, it must be that magical algorithm that my father had been working on before-"

"Um. Excuse me... WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!"

"Don't you love it? You're free!"

"...What the hell are you on about you crazy old geezer?!"
Tokine winced at the brightness of the light. Who was makingit bright? Tokine could see a couple of things in this light, considering one eye was pretty much blind and the other had the eyelids scorched off. "Thanks a lot Artemis" Tokine mumbled. Then she realized something. Where was Artemis. Artemis then peck on Tokine's foot. Tokine picked up Artemis and gazed into her eyes. Something was wrong. Artemis' eyes should be black. Now they're a purpleish blue. "Artemis!" Tokine screamed.

Tokine looked out. A girl named Arylett was coming with a smile on her face. Tokine has seen this girl before, probably on the tour. This girl was weird. Weirder than Tokine. Tokine couldn't make out all the details. It was too bright! It wouldn't hurt to make friends with this girl. They already had one thing in common- they were both weird!

Tokine walks up to the girl, still in the bright light. "Who are you? I've seen you on the tour. What is your name?" Then the light dissapears. "Anyway...who are you...."
Drew started to shield his eyes as the light grew in intensity. This was too much, something had to be wrong. In his blindness he tripped and hit the ground hard. He cringed in pain as his camera dug into his stomach. Pulling himself back up onto his knees he felt around and located the device. He couldn't tell if it was damaged, but he wouldn't have had time to anyway. He dropped the camera as he lost consciousness, dropping face-first onto the ground once more


The first thing Drew felt as he came to was that he no longer felt suited to his body, almost as if he was going through growth again, but bigger than that. He opened his eyes and saw that he was surrounded by strange, seemingly foreign Pokemon. The only human besides himself was an old man who was grinning away madly and speaking to a small white and yellow bipedal Pokemon. Yes, speaking, both were quite comprehensible.

Drew shook his head. He had quite obviously been slipped something last night. Last night? What had he been doing? He remembered the festival, and the cafe, and the bonfire and... The light! That horribly bright lavender light that had nearly blinded him. But after that, he knew nothing.

As Drew pulled himself up onto his feet he realized with horror why he didn't feel accustomed to his form. He could feel his legs. Too many legs. He stared down at his feet in horror and screamed. HE WAS NOT HUMAN ANYMORE! He had eight, count 'em eight legs and, and, and the body of an INSECT! He suddenly felt very sick and he closed his eyes. "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming..." But as he opened his eyes once more he knew that he was not dreaming. He had been transformed, horribly, and was now stuck as what appeared to be a pillbug. He looked up and saw two bulky antennae above his head.

"Oh GOD!" he whispered to himself and closed his eyes once more.
(I know, he said the light dissappeared...i guess...=/)

Tokine saw the weird girl disappear in thin air. The suddenly, she felt like she was drifting away. She gasped. "Artemis!" she yelled. She cared too much for her Torchic. As suddenly as it happened, Tokine's conscous drifted away.


Tokine woke up. The first thing that came to her mind was "Where's Artemis?" When she opened her eyes, everything seemed-smaller! Tokine felt like she was made of liquid. Her eyesight had a redish glare. Normaly, it would have a bluish glare, since she has blue eyes....or does she now.

Tokine looked around and saw an old man. The old man was familiar, like she had seen him somewhere before. But that was the problem. She hasn't seen him before. But then why did she have Deja Vu'?

"Alright, you old coot. Where's my Torchic! And Why are you so tall? Where am I?!?!?!"Tokine stammered. She didn't know what happened. She felt like she had been-Transformed! Tokine looked at her arms. Wait, they weren't arms anymore. They were...stingerlike...thing..stubs...whatever they were called. She used two of her "Arms" to feel her face. She didn't have a mouth or nose! Then how could she talk? Her body was pretty much...a jellyfish...

She looked at her 5th arm. It had a psychic ball. Was she a psychic type? She tested it out. She focused her mind on herself to levetate at eye level with the old man. "Alright,enough games. What have you done to me?!?!?!"Tokine screamed. Tokine looked around. There were Pokemon here. But these Pokemon she hadn't seen before. Were they fake?
((You guys did a lot while I was at school. D:))

Constance and Kaiju quickly finished the food, excited to see what else they could find. The teenager had still not seen much of the mythology, even though she was sure that the tour guide had mentioned mythology. Perhaps Constance could find a local to talk to. "Let's go, Kaiju," she told her Nidorino, and the two exited the sushi stand and made their way towards some sort of exhibit-looking thing that might have some information about the myths of this area. Though it was in the same island chain as Constance's home, the information that she found was mostly different.

It seemed like no time before the festival really started; Constance had been very interested in reading. Kaiju couldn't read like she could, but he sat quietly next to the exhibit, falling asleep for a while before his owner woke him up. The purple lagomorph-looking Pokemon quickly stood up, following Constance toward the bonfire, out in the open. There were many people gathered around the huge fire, and they were all looking toward the mountain nearby. Constance saw that there was something at the top that was casting a light down on them... But she couldn't really tell what it was. There was a soft lavender light that came from a distance, yet still cast shadows on everyone at the foot of the mountain. Mystified, Constance gazed up at the light, only to grow a little startled as it intensified. It was almost as if it was coming closer. It surrounded the entire area all of a sudden, and quickly, though she could hardly see, Constance crouched next to her Nidorino, making sure nothing was coming for them.

But nothing physical came. The only thing that happened that Constance could comprehend was that the whole world turned white, and then black, as if she had fainted of too much light.

Of course, when she woke up, nothing was normal. Was anything ever normal after a phenomenon like that? Her eyes opened to see that the surroundings were completely changed... or maybe she had been moved. Either way, she hadn't seen this place before... had she? She thought she had been to a lush forest like this before, but... perhaps not. As she looked around, she noticed that there were many Pokemon-like creatures around her... but she had never seen any of them before. She was extremely confused, especially when she heard a scream, and then a conversation.

As the talking began, her ears grew tense, and she looked around, searching for the source. The voices came from some sort of canid-looking creature nearby, and an old-looking man who appeared to be the only human here. The canid-looking thing had screamed, and was apparently accusing the man of something. Constance grimaced, growling, "Be quiet." She wanted to think before everyone started shouting.

Something was a little... weird, though. When she was listening, or grimacing, her face didn't feel quite right. Nor did her legs, or... Quickly, Constance whirled around, trying to confirm her guess. Immediately, she saw the object of her thoughts in her peripheral vision, but as she tried to see it directly, it constantly evaded her. Thus, Constance was stuck looking silly and turning in place in a tight circle. As she did this, she shouted something equally weird-sounding: "I have a tail?!" After shouting, she suddenly froze, her ears erect, and her fiery ear tufts and mane (which she didn't yet know that she had) flared up in her excitement. That was right... Her ears were on the top of her head, not on the sides. And she could see down her face somewhat. There were... whiskers on her face. Quickly, she sat down, and twisted around. Her neck proved to be flexible, so much so that she could see her body as she twisted. She almost looked like a felid-shaped mass of lava, if it weren't for the faint outline of fur that she could see on her body, and the dark brown spots that covered her. Quickly she stood up and looked down at her arms -- or, more correctly, front paws. She had short-feeling legs, but as she stood on tiptoe, her feet felt very long. Had she been turned into a Flareon or something? But then again, Flareon didn't have spots, or a slender tail... and as far as she knew, she didn't have a mane. For a moment, she couldn't think of anything to say, but then she finally growled, glaring at the old man -- the only human in the area -- with fiery-colored eyes. "What is this?"
Uisce had managed to get a fish meal before the big event occurred. His hunger satiated, he had looked around a bit, but he hadn't found anything interesting other than a small vial with what looked like the husk of an insect in it. It was a bit strange, though, so he hadn't considered buying it. Just scrutinizing it.

And then, he glanced at the sky; the time would draw near now. The moon was high, and excitement rose in his chest; this would be what the festival was all about! Unlike many of the others, Uisce had not noticed the bearded man at any point. If he did, the guy didn't look familiar. Unknowingly, Uisce smiled as the light appeared, but his happiness slowly vanished as it only grew brighter. What in the world was going on? Was this supposed to happen? A bit afraid but moreso annoyed, Uisce lifted his arm to cover his face from the blinding light...

Then he lost consciousness at some point. He had no idea what had happened, but he knew he had somehow passed out. Now, though, he was awake. And he wasn't at the festival anymore. That was a shame, especially since he was totally lost in the middle of a group of random creatures he'd never seen before that he assumed were Pokémon. Hopefully nobody would attack him.

His vision was a bit messed up, though. He could see fine, but he was.. laying on his side. That was expected, since he had passed out. But why wasn't he at the festival? He wanted to get back right now... the problem was that he had no idea where he was, and so he'd have to stay here until somebody came along. Or he could go walk around. He was at least experienced with walking around and not waiting here doing nothing.

He used his arms to push his torso upwards, so at least now he was leaning on his right elbow. But for some reason he couldn't go any farther than that. He felt like he would fall over if he tried to stand up. That sure was weird. Were his legs paralyzed?
The concept of that made him terrified, so he glanced sideways to assure himself it wasn't true. Of course, as far as he could tell his legs weren't paralyzed... because now it appeared he didn't have legs. Replacing them was the long, muscular body of a snake, plated with black scales on the underbelly. And there was a fin on the end.

Uisce didn't know what to think. What the heck was going on? Why was he a snake now? At least, that's what he thought. He couldn't be a complete snake, though, because he was sure he had arms. He checked just to make sure; he lifted his hands in front of his face, although he still didn't see what he expected. (He didn't expect anything now, it seemed. Better just leave it to spontaneity.) His skin was scaly and dark blue, and he only had three fingers accompanying his thumb, not four. Curved talons extended from his fingers where he had previously had normal fingernails. So he wasn't human anymore, huh? If he had to guess he'd say he was some sort of dragon, although he couldn't be sure.

He had some sort of calm feeling, though. Something about this situation felt really familiar. He was anxious, but not terrified. There was something... warm and oddly relaxing about this situation. He wasn't a human anymore, but... hadn't this happened somewhere before?

So where was he? He just now noticed that there was a human here, but he was too busy with himself to think about it. In fact, if he looked straight ahead, he could see a little silver spot in front of him. Was that his face? Strange.

His arm was getting tired. Now that he at least had a vague idea of how this body was shaped, he might be able to find a different position...
I must have blacked out... Steve thought, Where'd eveyrbody go....

He tried to walk around but his legs didn't seem to want to work...it was like there was more of them. He put his "hand" to his face in frustration.

"Wait....why is my hand...furry...and a paw?!" he roared at the old man.

Woah....didn't know I could speak that loudly

He started to prowl towards the old man.

"DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?" he roared even louder.

This could be used to my advantage....
Maxwell's mother clung tight to him as the purple light enveloped him and his parents. He faintly heard his father cry out, "What in tarnations!" before the light blinded all three of them. Before Maxwell was completely consumed, however, he had this strange feeling that something was going to happen. He didn't know whether it would be good or bad, it was just... odd...

He blacked out.

When Maxwell finally awoke, he was laying on his back. It seemed that a screaming girl was the source of why he awoke. At least, it sounded like a girl, when he turned towards the voice he saw a grey cat-like creature, possible a Pokemon. He looked around some more. There were all these strange animals around him. Some bugs, some mammals, some... things. He was scared. Where were his parents? Could these animals hurt him? He wanted his mother! Dad would protect him, right?!

It was only then that he noticed the old man talking to them, smiling like a madman. We're free? What does that mean? Maxwell thought, shaking his head. He went to put his hands on his forehead... only to realize they were tiny green paws now. He stood straight right away, and caught sight of his feet. They were green and paws as well! He tried to stand up, and was caught off balance. His entire body was green, and there seemed to be purple and pink blemishes all over him... No, they were flowers. Okay, he was officially creeped out.

"Mom! Mom?! Daddy!" He started to breath even harder, waving his stubby little arms around. He wasn't wearing any clothes, but he didn't feel naked. Instead, he felt like he was covered in fur.. He was an animal. But he could be dreaming. He could wake up in bed and run into his parents' bedroom and jump in bed with him and tell them all about the strange dream he had.

Then he remembered the purple light. Was it the light's doing that he was in this weird body?! He silently cursed it. He noticed a woman's voice coming from a tiny jellyfish-looking thing. She was talking about a Torchic... Was that the girl he had met with the Torchic earlier..? He just had to wander over to her and ask.

"Ma'am... If you are a ma'am, that is.. Are you alright?" He waddled over to her, a little unbalanced due to not being used to this body.
Tokine looks at the....creature. She recognized his voice. Suddenly, she realized it was that little boy."I know you....you were one of the people on the tour!..was everyone on the tour here.....Don't worry....you.....I'm pretty sure we're all alright"

Tokine wasn't sure. She just wanted him to not be worried. Considering that everyone was safe, then tere was nothing to worry about. However, Tokine wanted to know where hr Torchic is. She turns to the old man and says, "Alright you strange man...I just want t know where my torchic is...At least tell me she's alright."

Tokine didn't want to seem frightened infront of someone younger than her. She should be setting an example, not being a wimp. It's actually weird for Tokine to be a wimp. Tokine may be shy, but she would never back down at anything.

Tokine takes another look at herself. She's basiclly a jellyfish...but there was something more....she had psychic powers like no one has ever seen! Then something clicked to her. She could pretty much fly, considering she can move in the air. However, she didn't want to seem childish, so she staid at eyelevel wit the man.

"Where are the others from the tour. If this boy's here, then the others must be here. Listen old man. Just tell me where the others are, and if my Torchic's alright!",Tokine says firmly.
Urgh... What... happened...?

Liesel slowly opened her eyes.

This... this isn't the festival!

She tried to give a shout but she realised... she had no mouth from which to scream from. She thrashed on her... legs? She whipped her head around, to see what she was. Pale, pale smoke, where the back half of her body was. Whatever this body even was.

What was she?! A pokemon? No, she had never seen a pokemon like this before.

WHAT IS GOING ON?! She was surprised to hear her own voice so loud, especially considering the lack of a mouth. The words came from her, but she didn't exactly say them.

She decided it was all a dream, that she'd wake up, that she'd be in the hotel near the fesifal or asleep by the bonfire, that when she woke up, she would be alright. But at least she had her scarf...

Calm down Liesel, You're going to be okay, it's just a dream, just a dream...

((Bold - Her form of speaking))
The old man continued to pace around, ignoring their questions for the moment. "Silly Anothers, not realizing what they really are, you'll realize it soon, now there's much to do! If we're to go after that awful man, of course, but first we'll need to free them... yes, free them, it might be the only way, to combine their powers to knock some sense into him after what he's done-"

"Hello?!" Angel looked increasingly frustrated, waving her new paws around and jumping up and down in front of him. "Are you even LISTENING-"

"Hmmmm, but the Lunar Trio might be the toughest, I'd say we'll have to return after the rest are freed, yes yes..." He looked to the sky a moment, then... chuckled. "Gives me a chance to have a little fun with some mortals, I hear Lumentine Island has some philosophers that are fun to play around with-"


"...Dear me, girl. It's quite rude to interrupt."

"Interrupt?! You were ignoring us-"

"And with good reason! So many questions..."

"...Yes, and I daresay, I'd like some answers. Now who are you, did you do this to us, and what do you want?"

"Yes yes, it does seem I've forgotten to introduce myself. The name is Bazdir D'Estello. I wouldn't say I've done anything to you... simply freed you. Didn't you know you were Anothers?"

"...Anothers.... wha-"

"Yes, Anothers! Pokemon of species native to these islands turned human! Hidden away by the government, one man in particular! A very paranoid man indeed, he fears that one day a powerful enough trainer may take his everlasting spot as Region Champion, and so cruelly transforms ones like you into human shape, to never realize your full potential!"

"I am so confu-"

"My dears, have you ever wondered why you need a permit to evolve Pokemon like Gabite and Metang, when it's simply not the case in any other region?"

"Well... yes-"

"Precisely! Hmmm... the time grows near to when that man may be able to break his seal and assume true form again, yes..." This man, Bazdir, began pacing around again. "By the next time Aether Point begins its glow, I'd imagine..."

"...Okay sir you're really confusing again-"

"Aha, there may not be much time, my dears! I must ask your aid for now, I'm looking for a rather special individual on this island... yes, I moved you all to Tokero Island while the glow was bright and my powers were strong enough... we'll make our way back around to little Lusin Village later. This is the Lurra Rainforest." He took a map from a pouch on his waist. "Our first stop should be... Zemyata Town, to the south-"

"Waaaaiiit a second. What do you mean powers?" Angel gave him a squinty look... it looked rather adorable coming from the cute little lion cub. "And why do you expect us to naively trust some random old man?"

((A map of the island, for your convenience.))
"She's right! Why should we trust you? For all we know, you could of just changed us into creatures for your own desire!", Tokine says. The lion club was right!

"Now look you old man, we want answers now, without it being confusing.", Tokine demands. She just wanted to get out of here.

"Tell me where my Torchic is, for the millionth time!" Tokine screams.

Tokine hears a faint echo, an echo of what she just said. That can't be, she didn't here an echo for the others. Suddenly, she realized how she could talk. It was telepathy. Putting that fact aside, Tokine was mad beyond comprehension. Whether or not the man was eveil, he certainly had something to do with this. But all Tokine could wonder was'Who WERE the Another? Were they her and the tour? Her mind was baffled at all of this.

"Now...Where did you say you were taking us......" Tokine asks. She just wanted to go home!
She listened to the man silently, listening for answers whilst forcibly calming herself down. She would wake up soon from this odd dream anyway. And it's not like she could speak up, having no control yet over how she was able to speak. She was used to having a mouth, thank you very much.

So Liesel was a pokemon? This whole time? ...Bullshit.
Yeah, definitely a dream; she made a note to herself not to have festival ramen before she fell asleep ever again. Though she did wonder what kind of pokemon she was. What she could see of herself in this current form like looked rather feline, but...

She exhaled through her nose, the only orfice on this body from which air could be expelled, and cleared her thoughts. Don't think about it Liesel, it's just a dream, all just a simple dream.

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