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Any recemondations for a semi casual gamer? (Wii & DS)

Punch-Out!! is a great single player game (and its multiplayer isn't terrible either), and the boxers are particularly awesome (ALL CANADIANS ARE FAT LUMBERJACKS WHO HAVE PET SQUIRRELS AND DRINK MAPLE SYRUP STRAIGHT FROM THE BOTTLE). Mario Strikers Charged is another fun multiplayer game, although single-player isn't nearly as fun.
(I swear I may be the only one here who hates Lego Star Wars. >.<)

For DS, get Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. It's better than Partners in Time imo, and it's insanely addictive. This is coming from a guy who used to hate turn-based RPGs that weren't Pokemon. Scribblenauts is also insanely awesome if you're imaginative and like creative ways to solve puzzles (or build your own - you can do that too).

For Virtual Console, get Super Mario World. It's the best Mario game ever made in my opinion (Super Mario Bros 3 is also pretty awesome, but you already got that so). There's another particularly awesome N64 game, I believe it's called Pokemon Puzzle League? I remember playing it when I was around 8 and having a blast, but I haven't played it since then.

Can't say anything about Trauma Center, since I haven't played it yet, so.
So this what i have

Mario Strikers Charged
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom,
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Phantom Brave
Call of Duty: World at War
Little King's Story
Dragon Quest Monster: Joker
Trauma Center: New Blood

VC /wiiware
Super Mario World.
Pokemon Puzzle League
Lost Winds,
Dynamite Headdy

Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story.
The Dark Spire
Tokyo Beat Down
Lego Star Wars
Soul Bubbles
Digimon World
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Custom Robo Arena
Well, for the Wii, I dunno about "semi casual", but- oh shit, no M? Oh well, Murasama? >< Maybe Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (only if you've played Path of Radiance though) or Tales of Symphonia 2, if you played 1. I dunno, MySims, Animal Crossing City Folk?

ah, well, DS, it depends what genre you want. I just have too much to offer.
Well, for the Wii, I dunno about "semi casual", but- oh shit, no M? Oh well, Murasama? >< Maybe Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (only if you've played Path of Radiance though) or Tales of Symphonia 2, if you played 1. I dunno, MySims, Animal Crossing City Folk?

ah, well, DS, it depends what genre you want. I just have too much to offer.

I wouldn't exactly say Muramasa... It's not exactly "Semi-casual", especially since it gets so freakishly hard, but it nevertheless is a title one should own if they're into Metroidvania style action platformers.
For Virtual Console, get Super Mario World. It's the best Mario game ever made in my opinion (Super Mario Bros 3 is also pretty awesome, but you already got that so).

YESS! SOMEONE AGREES WITH ME! Also, I like how Loco Mocho wrote Super Mario World twice, the second time being in caps. :D
Has nobody mentioned the Ace Attorney games for the DS? I mean, okay, they don't particularly resemble what you currently have, but they're pretty awesome and fun and hilarious. And about lawyers.
Has nobody mentioned the Ace Attorney games for the DS? I mean, okay, they don't particularly resemble what you currently have, but they're pretty awesome and fun and hilarious. And about lawyers.

Assuming you do get one of them, get either the first one or the fourth one, since the games don't make much sense if you play them out of order.
Butterfree's right to recommend the Ace Attorney games. My personal favourite DS game is The World Ends With You (a wonderfully plotted and innovative action RPG with great music, for those of you who don't know). Also, New Super Mario Bros. Wii truly is a must-buy, and World of Goo (WiiWare) is a wonderfully quirky (if short) puzzle game.
Seconding/Thirding the Ace Attorney games and The World Ends With You. Both have amazing music, and The World Ends With You has the most fun and innovative battling system ever.
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