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Any recemondations for a semi casual gamer? (Wii & DS)

Loco Mocho

Is behind you with a machete
I hav the following games:
Pokemon Pearl
" Platnium
New Super Mario Bros
Mario vs DK 2
Mario Party DS
Pokemon Ranger
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 1 & 2
Sega Tennis (waste of money IMO)
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Yoshi island ds
Phantom Hourglass
Drawn to Life
Mario & Luigi Partners in Time
Wii Sports (Duh)
Wii play
Pokemon Battle Revoltion
Twilight Princess
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaitechi 2 & 3
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Baseball 2

Virtual Consle Includes
Super mario bros
Super Mario Lost Levels
Super mario bros 3
Kirbys Adventure
Ecco the dolphin
pac man
Sonic the hegehog
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Paper mario
Pokemon Snap

I want your advice

No M rated games please

EDIT: I plan on getting Soul Sliver and Mario & Luigi Bowsers inside story

EDIT 2: I share games with my highly casual brother but im looking for games for me
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Before I recommend game, would you mind posting the whole title of the games instead of abbreviating them? I can't read the ones you abbreviated, so I'm not sure what they are. :|
Well, for starters, it might help to tell us exactly what kind of games you like to play. But I'll recommend a few regardless. You might look in other threads for DS recommendations, however.

For the Wii, you should definitely try out Klonoa. It's short, but loads of fun, is really colorful, the story really delivers, and the Reverse/Mirror mode only adds to the replay value.

You might also wait a bit and get Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, but that's only if you enjoy a good 2D fighter on occasion.

And if you haven't played any of the Prime games, definitely take a look at Metroid Prime Trilogy. Your Wii hasn't truly lived until it's played a Prime game, be it the Gamecube version of the first two, or the Trilogy.

There's also Phantom Brave if you like strategy.

There's also Virtual Console. If you download those, there are quite a few good games on the VC, and on WiiWare to play. You might check out Lost Winds, and NyxQuest for WiiWare. Their stories are a little cliche, but they look beautiful, and have really intuitive controls, and are quite fun to play.

Also, why don't you have any of the Kirby games? D= (Unless you've already played them of course). Check out the Digimon World games for the DS as well. Those are pretty solid. And if you like traditional roguelike RPGs, check out The Dark Spire for the DS. Tokyo Beat Down is also one of the most ridiculous things you'll ever play, but it's still awesome as a traditional beat'em up.
Scribblenauts (for the DS)! :3
There's also the Megaman Star Force series for the DS if you're interested.
Or how about Punch Out for the Wii?
And although I've never played the game but you could try out Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure for the Wii.
For the Wii, you should definitely try out Klonoa. It's short, but loads of fun, is really colorful, the story really delivers, and the Reverse/Mirror mode only adds to the replay value.


But if I were to evolve what Blazing already have said about the game, it's short, yes, it is. But it's cute, cuddly and looks wonderful. The story is downright amazing, beginning rather happily, but growing a bit darker towards the end, and the ending, OH GOD THE ENDING.
I "triple" (??????) the lego star wars games. Though get the complete saga, or else you'll want to try out the other trilogy, buy it, and get bored with it,(cuz lego games do get repetetive) and waste your money.

SUPER FRIGGIN MARIO WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That game in my opinion is the best mario game ever, before super mario galaxy, super mario 64, super mario bros, and super mario bros 3 in that respective order. It is one of the most colorful 32-bit mario games (after that yoshi game, never played those) ever. It has tons of secrets, a long story that is fun, the first game with yoshi in it, and its the first mario game you could haved saved on (to a certain extent). Its amazing. :D
Get Punchout. It's fuuun.

Judging by your VC choices... I'd try out something for the Genesis in the platformer genre. Personally, I think you should try out Dynamite Headdy, because that game is win.
I forgot what it's called, but apparently there's this really fun surgery game on the Wii, anyone wanna help me out on this?
I forgot what it's called, but apparently there's this really fun surgery game on the Wii, anyone wanna help me out on this?

Trauma Center: Second Opinion, and Trauma Center: New Blood. Second Opinion is a remake of the original Trauma Center: Under the Knife for the DS, and New Blood is an original title for the Wii.

You might as well recommend Trauma Center 2 for the DS as well. It takes everything that made both Wii games good, and makes them better.
Thirding Punch Out!! for the Wii. Hard game (from a causual gamer pov) but still highly entertaining. Also thirding Klonoa. Wii goes well with colorful games. x:

There's Dragon Quest Monster: Joker for the DS, if you like all the monster training/fusing/smacking aspect in rpgs. Also Custom Robo Arena, although I'm biased for robots shooting each others while having a blink teleportation system. :I
Fourthing (does that even exist?) Punch-Out!!. Anyone who played probably knows the retard on my avatar. By the way, one of the things that make this game awesome is the characters. National stereotypes have never been so fun.

And thirding Trauma Center. I've only played the Wii versions so far, but my brother says the DS versions are good too.
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