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ASB Rules

Hm, I guess that would make sense, now that you mention it. My point was more that it's really easy for them to hover, though, and if psychic-types listed as consensually hovering use less energy to hover than unlisted ones, then I think Munna and Musharna should at least be listed as that.
How high can the average psychic hover, then? High enough to dodge earthquake or other ground attacks?

EDIT: Can they do so without wasting an action?
A meter or so, probably. Which would be high enough to dodge attacks like earthquake, yes. They would need to spend an action to hover.
It doesn't take an action to stay in the air, only to rise or descend. So they could float while using calm mind, yes. But they couldn't take off while using calm mind.
It doesn't take an action to stay in the air, only to rise or descend. So they could float while using calm mind, yes. But they couldn't take off while using calm mind.

I recall in my epic double battle with Kratos, I commanded my Starmie to levitate and then use Hydro Pump, and you reffed it that way as well. So I suppose the rules have changed?
Starmie is on the consensually hovering list, so it doesn't need to take a full action unless it wants to go particularly high. I assume it's just unlisted psychic-types that need to take an action.

First post said:
Taking off does not require a full action, so such a pokémon could be commanded to "fly up and use thunderbolt," for example. However, to reach their maximum altitude, as with the move "fly," a full action must be expended.
If a Pokemon like Latios lost its ability, would it still be considered inherently hovering, or consentually hovering, or neither?
I'm assuming It would just become susceptible to Ground-type attacks, yet remain hovering. Since it doesn't have feet or anything.
Well yes, that'd be quite amusing. :D

However I don't think Omskivar's point stands, because Magnemite is considered inherently hovering here and is thus immune to ground type moves. Same with, say, Froslass. Their appearances suggest inherently hovering, and thus here they're, by default, immune to ground type attacks. I'd assume the same with Latias and Latios, though I'd like to make sure.
Personally, I ref Magnemite completely vulnerable to ground-type attacks, because they disrupt its electromagnetic levitation or something. Is this wrong?
By that line of thought, any Pokemon who's used magnet rise would be vulnerable to ground-type attacks, but that's beside the point. Anyway, the first post says:

Inherently flying or hovering pokémon rarely touch the ground. They do not need energy to maintain their hovering or flying state or to take off from the ground if they have been pulled down to it somehow, unless they are overburdened. Ground-type attacks will miss them by default, although they can still deal damage if the pokémon has been forced to land somehow.
Shouldn't geodude be able to consensually hover? It floats in one of the Pikachu movie shorts and in Stadium, and there's a shadow under it in every post-Gen II game.
Hmm, I don't know. From what I remember of the anime geodude tended to hop around or propel itself with its arms. Of course, it's been quite a while since I've watched the show; I could totally be making that up. I just tend to remember it being on the ground, rather than in the air.
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