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Question: Can I ref my own battle? Just wondering?

Also, I have a cottenee. If I buy a Sun Stone, would that automatically evolve him into a Whimiscott?
Question: Can I ref my own battle? Just wondering?

Also, I have a cottenee. If I buy a Sun Stone, would that automatically evolve him into a Whimiscott?

1. That would likely encourage cheating σ___σ

2. No, items have to be equipped first, then that Pokemon has to complete a battle
A clarification about prizes and exp.
If a pokemon A participates in battle, but its trainer is disqualified, does pokemon A get exp?
Pokemon B, pokemon A's opponent, doesn't get an extra exp since it failed to KO pokemon A. Correct?
After one round, trainer A gets disqualified. Does trainer B get the usual monetary reward? Both pokemon in this situaton would get one exp. Correct?
They both get EXP; neither pokémon gets an KO EXP. The trainer who was not disqualified gets money and EXP so long as the battle went on for at least one round.
if not stated, are signature moves' usage gaps are computed from the end of all effects (as it was customary to specify pre-Great Fire), or from execution?

do usage gaps act after attempts at execution, or only after successful execution?
Could a Pokemon use two moves and then a combo on the last action of a round, and then do nothing on the first action of the next round?

EDIT: I mean would move~move~combo and then nothing~move~move the next round be possible
if not stated, are signature moves' usage gaps are computed from the end of all effects (as it was customary to specify pre-Great Fire), or from execution?

do usage gaps act after attempts at execution, or only after successful execution?
Always from the end of all effects.

Attempts at execution.

Could a Pokemon use two moves and then a combo on the last action of a round, and then do nothing on the first action of the next round?

EDIT: I mean would move~move~combo and then nothing~move~move the next round be possible
If I remember correctly, pokemon that evolve through happiness also get exp. If that's correct, how many exp. and how many happiness points would a Cleffa holding a lucky egg get after scoring a KO?
Out of curiosity, Negrek, do you add happiness to pokémon who don't and never have evolved using happiness? It wouldn't ordinarily be relevant to anything, but since "most happiness" is in the statistics, it has some minor importance. Also, while there are item shenanigans going on, it'd be close enough to representing current exp vs all exp ever earned, since you apparently can't suck happiness out of a pokémon.
mind, we can try quite hard!

(I don't think she does! non-happy pokémon didn't seem to have them when the asb admin interface was exposed!)
Out of curiosity, Negrek, do you add happiness to pokémon who don't and never have evolved using happiness? It wouldn't ordinarily be relevant to anything, but since "most happiness" is in the statistics, it has some minor importance. Also, while there are item shenanigans going on, it'd be close enough to representing current exp vs all exp ever earned, since you apparently can't suck happiness out of a pokémon.
Not trying to be bothersome, but in the old PRO, it says Metang need 5 exp to evolve. The Metang I just bought has 0/8 exp. I assume it had some, or was it sucked away at Lacuna Labs?
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