Terry. T.
Time for the Attack editor! Here's how:
You may edit an attack thingie by either:
Editing the victim
Editing the attacker
Editing the move (that the attacker can use)
Magnemite used Thunderbolt on Pikachu!
Can turn into:
Ho-Oh used Thunderbolt on Pikachu!
Magnemite used Thunder on Pikachu!
Magnemite usedd Thunderbolt on Lugia!
Let's start:
Sceptile used Dragon Claw on Totodile!
You may edit an attack thingie by either:
Editing the victim
Editing the attacker
Editing the move (that the attacker can use)
Magnemite used Thunderbolt on Pikachu!
Can turn into:
Ho-Oh used Thunderbolt on Pikachu!
Magnemite used Thunder on Pikachu!
Magnemite usedd Thunderbolt on Lugia!
Let's start:
Sceptile used Dragon Claw on Totodile!