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Grass Knot fails if it's used in a location without plants or something, right?
Yes, within reason. They're not going to go up multiple stories doing that or anything.Is it possible for a Raichu or a Pikachu to use their tail like a springboard to launch themselves into the air?
They can work with leech seeds etc that they might already have thrown down for an earlier attack, but they'd have to spend an action somewhere to get the greenery out there--grass knot itself can't be a two-stage "seed, then manipulate" thing.Could an actual Grass-type throw down some seeds to use it or something? They've got Leech Seeds and stuff stored somewhere.
But that scenario changes significantly if you happen to be dead.Also it would be terrible if the things you ate fell out of your stomach just because you wanted to go home for a bit. :(
From Dragon Claw. Seems to be a typo.The talons body become engulfed in dragon-type energy as they lash out at the foe with their claws, scoring deep gashes in their hide. Damage is dealt not only by the strike itself but by contact with the dragon energy leaping from the user's claws.