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Mage of Blood
...but I think I can see auras.

I'm not even kidding or anything here. I can always tell whether a person is going to be a friend, enemy, or just kinda there. I can also tell when people are sad but pretending to be happy, and am 75% right when it comes to people "liking" me or not. I used to think this was normal and everyone could do it.

Until I saw my dad's aura.

Today, before he left for work, we were talking about the highlights I'm getting today (in about half an hour too) when I saw that his face was outlined in blue! I started freaking out, and then it disappeared. I honestly have no clue what was going on -.-' I've also seen my arm kinda outlined in green, and close friends outined in other colors, too... help?
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

are you sure you haven't done too much weed?
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

either your eyes are fucked up or your imagination is waaaay out of whack.
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

Yeah, check the eye doctor.

Anyway, everyone can sense people's emotions and feelings. Just the odd colors is you only.
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

Actually, I've heard of the seeing-auras thing before. It's seen as a form of spiritual practice, though, although apparently it does happen on accident now and then. It's usually linked to the idea of the third eye in Indian spirituality. While seeing auras CAN indicate things like LSD usage or the possibility of having epilepsy (and other such disabilities of the nervous system), for all we (as humans) know, there might be more to it.

Mewtwo, I recommend that you do a little bit more research into this with an open mind.
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

This can be considered a good thing. Be happy that you have this ability.
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

If for some reason you do have this ability, embrace it! I'm a little jealous, as I don't have any psychic powers or anything. :(
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

Welllll let's all hope you become famous or something. And find the hiding dragons and unicorns and griffins.

But also get your eyes checked if only to rule it out.
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

My friend can see auras. She said mine is green. It's something I'd like to try and practice...
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

Assuming it exists .... I like to think that it exists ....
It's something I'd like to try and practice...

I was always under the impression that such an ability is something one is born with.

I'm jealous, really, of both your friend and Mewtwo. ^^;
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

r u lucario??!?

Joking aside, I have to say that I'm really sceptical about these kind of things. There is so much weird lighting conditions, an overactive imagination and a strong belief in supernatural things can do.
As suggested, you should check your eyes and just think the whole thing through. Did you really see them or did you just want to see them?

But on the other hand, things like that are very hard to prove wrong 'cause people can keep on insisting that they do see what they're seeing. :/
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

I just kinda... saw it. It was just there. I was, however, relaxed, and it wasn't there after I panicked. I even had my dad stand in the excact same position.
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

i think it's your eyes. my eyes are kind of fucked up so when i blink i see flashes of color wherever i'm looking. did you suffer any head injury as an infant?
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

I have a friend who is trying to see auras. Like other people are saying you should do some research, seeing auras is a hard thing to do.
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

I have a friend who is trying to see auras. Like other people are saying you should do some research, seeing auras is a hard thing to do.

An impossible thing to do, even.

I'm sorry, but it's just a trick of the light plus your own imagination. Or possibly you were looking at a source of bright light and saw the afterimage.
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

...if it does really exist, then hone it! See if you can search for auras more frequently, and see if you can stop being freaked out by them. Maybe something will happen with it?

It could be a very useful skill in life.
Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs...

actual psychic powers would be rad

but they don't exist because life is a bitch.
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