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B2/W2 Progress Thread

Beat Roxie and arrived at Pokestar Studios. The gym battle gave Embo just enough exp. to evolve.

Name: Em
Badges: 2
Time 4:18
Pokedex: 26

Current party:

Arcfire/Growlithe(m) lv. 16
Lia/Purrloin(f) lv. 16
Embo/Pignite(m) lv. 17
Badge 4


Xorc - LV 30 Krokodile
Lexak - LV 30 Lucario
Genax - LV 30 Magneton
Axol - LV 30 Lilligant
Zoroark - LV 30

New deaths:


If anyone is wondering about the weird names, I thought it would be cool if I took a leaf out of Organization XIII and mix their names with an "X".
I started my file over because my Pokémon were pissing me off, so I just got to Humilau City.


Albany/LUCARIO ♂ lv. 51 [Rash, likes to run.]
August/ARCANINE ♀ lv. 50 [Hardy, alert to sounds.]
Montpelier/FLYGON ♂ lv. 50 [Hasty, alert to sounds.]
December/GLACEON ♀ lv. 50 [Quirky, proud of its power.]
Juneau/JELLICENT ♂ lv. 47 [Naive, highly persistent.]

I'm thinking of filling my last slot with an Eelektross to cover my water weakness, but I'm not sure! Suggestions are appreciated. :o
I started my file over because my Pokémon were pissing me off, so I just got to Humilau City.


Albany/LUCARIO ♂ lv. 51 [Rash, likes to run.]
August/ARCANINE ♀ lv. 50 [Hardy, alert to sounds.]
Montpelier/FLYGON ♂ lv. 50 [Hasty, alert to sounds.]
December/GLACEON ♀ lv. 50 [Quirky, proud of its power.]
Juneau/JELLICENT ♂ lv. 47 [Naive, highly persistent.]

I'm thinking of filling my last slot with an Eelektross to cover my water weakness, but I'm not sure! Suggestions are appreciated. :o

Eelektross is great.
I ended up picking up a Tynamo in Seaside Cave. :3c I only had to train it two levels until it evolved into Eelektrik, and then four until it learned Thunderbolt, so it wasn't so bad! The only pain was catching a female Tynamo with decent IVs x__x I had to settle for one with a Calm nature, bleh.
Off my hiatus and playing this again~

Badges 6
Pokemon 148

Kali the Flygon ♂ (Tee hee)
Level 45 - Jolly Nature
(The only one I've bothered EV training)
Rock Slide - Bulldoze - Screech - Dragon Tail

Becquerel the Arcanine ♂
Level 45 - Careful Nature
Flare Blitz - Outrage - Thunder Fang - ExtremeSpeed

Maelstrom the Samurott ♂
Level 43 - Hasty Nature
Aqua Jet - X-Scissor - Surf - Revenge

Voltaire the Ampharos ♀
Level 40 - Gentle Nature
Power Gem - Discharge - Volt Switch - Thunder Wave

America the Braviary ♂
Level 34 - Calm Nature :/
Fly - Hone Claws - Shadow Claw - Aerial Ace

Zoroark the Zoroark ♂
Level 34 - Hasty Nature
U-Turn - Fury Swipes - Foul Play - Night Slash
Just beat Colress on rout 4. Lia evolved after the battle, and Ratto evolved after a battle with a random fisherman. Also, Burgh was insanely easy, what with having two Fire-types (Embo knocked out Leavanny in one hit!)

Name: Em
Badges: 3
Pokedex: 47
Time: 7:28

Current party:

Ratto/Raticate(m) lv. 20

Lia/Liepard(f) lv. 20

Arcfire/Growlith(m) lv. 20

Embo/Pidnite(m) lv. 21
Signature should suffice...

someone help me get Azelf! I've gone through exactly 55 Ultra Balls with the dumb thing! Anyone know how to catch it surefire (other than Master Ball)?
Get a Spore user and something with False Swipe. False swipe + asleep = ~10 ultra balls needed, according to Butterfree's very handy calculator. Less if you get an Entralink Capture Power; with Power MAX you only need 7.

Her very handy calculator also says that at 100% health with no status, no capture power, and 0 caught Pokemon in the National Pokedex, you only need on average 38 Ultra Balls. Guess you're unlucky, then.
Get a Spore user and something with False Swipe. False swipe + asleep = ~10 ultra balls needed, according to Butterfree's very handy calculator. Less if you get an Entralink Capture Power; with Power MAX you only need 7.

Her very handy calculator also says that at 100% health with no status, no capture power, and 0 caught Pokemon in the National Pokedex, you only need on average 38 Ultra Balls. Guess you're unlucky, then.

These are very, very optimistic figures. Experimental probability for myself (which, for your own intents and purposes, is always more reliable than theoretical) on Pokémon with a catch rate of 3 puts the average around 25 balls -- at red HP and a status condition like PAR (SLP and FRZ are too unreliable to continuously apply).

EDIT: Okay, according to the Veekun calculator, my "figure" is more accurate. At 3% HP and PAR, it should take about 35 Ultra Balls or 18 Dusk Balls (Ultra Balls are rarely worth it, FYI). 100% HP and no status would take about 120 Ultra Balls. That said, Butterfree's calculator is indeed returning an average of 38. I'm finding this difficult to believe.
Ultra balls are okay, but it's better to wait until night and use dusk balls. Believe me, the 3.5x effectiveness can be a lot more helpful than the 2x of ultra balls.

Also carry some timer balls in case in case that takes too long.
Ultra balls are okay, but it's better to wait until night and use dusk balls. Believe me, the 3.5x effectiveness can be a lot more helpful than the 2x of ultra balls.

Also carry some timer balls in case in case that takes too long.
Ultra Balls are good catch-all balls for daytime use! So I don't recommend not using them at all, just never buying them, especially since you get so many for free in BW2. Sooner buy Timers or Dusk (or Dive) than Ultras. There's just no reason for Ultras to be the most expensive kind. I'd like to see Greats reduced to P500 and Ultras to P1000.
Ultra balls are okay, but it's better to wait until night and use dusk balls. Believe me, the 3.5x effectiveness can be a lot more helpful than the 2x of ultra balls.

Also carry some timer balls in case in case that takes too long.

Ultra Balls are good catch-all balls for daytime use! So I don't recommend not using them at all, just never buying them, especially since you get so many for free in BW2. Sooner buy Timers or Dusk (or Dive) than Ultras. There's just no reason for Ultras to be the most expensive kind. I'd like to see Greats reduced to P500 and Ultras to P1000.

I actually seem to have the best luck with normal Poke Balls! They're good for any time of day ^^ But just in case, I carry around all sorts of different Poke Balls.

anyway I'm at Victory Road! My team is in my signature, as well as the team I plan on using for the Ice Type Champ medal
I agree with Ultra Balls not being that useful. I mean, they're okay until either it's nighttime or you've caught everything (or you're catching a water/bug type), at which points you can simply buy Dusk Balls, Repeat Balls, or Net Balls for $200 less. I just bought 200 ultra balls in Black 2 before realizing that Repeat balls have a better catch rate. Cue slapping myself in the face for wasting 40,000 pokedollars.
I'm a heartbreaker... my name... Eif.

My badges... 5.

My team...

Samurott. F. Lv. 36.

Ampharos. M. Lv. 30.

Lucario. M. Lv. 31.

Sigilyph. M. Lv. 30.

Magmortar. M. Lv. 32.

My goal... to obtain a Golett.

Riding a bike and becoming the wind fits a bad boy like me.
You can actually get a Golett with No Guard in the DW, I think. (Spooky Manor, when using a B2W2 chip and having more than 10,000 Dream Points)
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