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Baby kittens! I have pictures :D


oh hey I forgot about this thing
India, one of the cats next door, gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens this morning. And of all the places to have them in this house and her own house, she chose my bed as the safest. I feel special c:
My covers need changed now, but that's a small price to pay for having baby kittens on them!
For now I've nicknamed them Adventure kitten, Cow kitten and Little Squishy Dark kitten (LSD kitten for short).

Oh wow, just as I was typing this, another kitten has been born! I call it Squealy kitten, because it's VERY noisy.

So, who wants pictures?
Mega-happy India.
Left to right: Cow, Adventure, LSD. Bit blurry, but it's the only one where they're not all squished together.
Adventure kitten keeps wiggling away and exploring. It's my favourite.
Very blurred picture of Squealy being born. Kind of a mix between 'ew' and 'wow'.
Squealy's still all soggy here. It's drying up now though. It looks even more cowish than Cow kitten!

And yes, we'll get to keep one.
Aww, they're adorable!

Just felt like showing this, as it does have relevance to the thread:

Just a coincidence, I'm sure. Or maybe not. :D
Awwww, and on your bed too! That's so amazing! <3 You're lucky.

Kiiiittens <3333
<3333333 OMG KITTEHS!!! I wantz to just hugz dem and luvs dem and givs dem all kissers and and and *splodes*
I didn't see the note for "Little Squishy Dark Kitten" and I was like "You named the poor thing after a DRUG?!?"

Kittens~ CanIhaveoneplease?
But we all know Senor Totally-deaf is gonna kick the bucket soon.

It sounds mean but it's gonna happen.
you named a kitten LSD?

oh my god though they're all adorable <3

EDIT: oh ok "little squishy dark" is its nickname! I only skimmed the first paragraph and went to the pictures (because, well, kitten pictures :3)
My cat had kittehs once. They were all five midnight black and soooo adorable. Sadly, we had to give them to the pet shop D': And I wouldn't have my cat (well she's missing but...) now if the pet shop had wanted her; My mom was ready to give her to the pet shop, too.

Now my kitteh is missing. CANIHASONETOMAKEUPFORIT?!?!
Remember that these names aren't permanent! (Dad thought LSD kitten was pretty funny and suggested naming it Ellis though. The owner seems to like that name too.)
Also remember that they're not mine to give away, even if I had loads and sent them in the post :P They'll probably be moving back to their own house after their dad's been neutered on Wednesday, but I'll try to keep posting pictures for a while. Their eyes should start to open in a few days.

Anyway, looks like Cow and Squealy are both boys and LSD seems to be a girl. Still not sure about Adventure, but I remember reading that tortoiseshells are only girls.

Couple more pictures:
They're all happy in this basket now. That black and white one climbing up is Squealy, the dark blobs on his back and head are further apart than Cow's.
He also has white on his face.
Oh, still so kyuuut so many bebiez GIVZ DEM GOOD HOMEZ OR ELSE

Also, Either 1 in 3000 cats is a male calico or 1 in 3000 calico are male. Just sayin'
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