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Bank of TCoD

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Paychecks haven't been given out yet; you're forbidden from collecting allowance this week. And that means you can't afford the business.


Account approved.


>.< Oh I am pissed...

I thought Spoink was claiming their allowance when they said lost a battle and + $3...

...>.< Just >.<
Because people are eternally getting this confused:

the first post said:
Paychecks and Trainer Allowance

Paychecks for all jobs, excluding referee positions, are distributed at the bank once a week on Saturday. All members of the League, whether they have a job or not, may also post to claim an allowance of $3 for three days after paychecks have been posted.
Because people are eternally getting this confused:

Yeah, I always forget that, so I always just grab my allowance when I start seeing people put $__ + $3 = $__

Darksong did that, so I thought he was getting his allowance, thinking he was being weird with posting a link to his battle, as I am still not used to seeing that (last time I played ASB, people didn't get money after losing)

So as you can see, I was getting very confused

Bank Staff: $10 Each


Team Approvers: $5 Each

Kratos Aurion
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