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Open Battle for the Great Plains

((Er, sorry about my lack of posting. It's only been a day!))

"Sure thing Kali!" Screech said enthusiastically. He saw a few other Pokemon from the clan gathering for the scouting mission. He didn't need many - he figured two or three good flyers would work, and maybe two land dragons would work.

((Sorry for the short post))
"Alright... so I'll take the land route, along with some of the older Gabites and Garchomps," responded Zius, nodding at the sleeping crowd. "While you gather the fliers, I'll go wake them up."

The tall Garchomp strode over to his sleeping comrades. Three of his cousins, young Gabites training under him, snored loudly, while two other shorter Garchomps were dazedly rubbing their eyes as they just woke up. The Gabites' bluish-purple skin shone in the sunlight, still in the process of maturing into their elders' deep indigo color. However, all of them had kept their teeth and claws in good condition, sharp and white. Their sharklike fins fluttered in the breeze.

"Alilang, Fukuro, would you mind waking up your siblings? Its time for their patrol." Zius watched the two Garchomps expectantly.

"Alright, big bro," yawned Alilang, her jaws opening wide. Fukuro merely nodded. Alilang forcefully prodded the three younger ones, while the other Garchomp watched nonchalantly. With a few moans and groans, the three Gabites slowly awakened, grumbling loudly.

"Alright good buddies, we should be heading off now. What does big man Screech say?" asked Alilang in an enthusiastic voice.
Iltuma waited as Lanceal went to his baby brother. The little Bagon looked exactly like Lanceal when he was a Bagon, on Iltuma smiled when she remembered how young they were when they met. Iltuma had just gotten into the Dragon clan when she met him. He was too young and naive to really care she was a PokeGryph. They became best friends and even evolved at the same time during a battle before Iltuma killed her parents.
"Hey, Roque. How ya doing, little bro?" The Salamance asked him.
"All right. When am I gonna fly like you?" The baby Bagon asked.
"Soon, Roque." Lanceal nuzzled his little brother and started walking back to Iltuma. He smiled at her and stopped right by her side.
That was another thing about Lanceal. He also wanted Iltuma as a mate, but knew it might not go well with other members of the clan.
Iltuma turned to Screech, who was looking at a few members. She knew he'd be the perfect Alpha male for the dragons.
Screech looked around. Quite a crowd gathered for such a small mission. He let out a nervous smile.

"Okay, the scouting mission is simple," he said to the gathered, "anyone who can fly, fly as high as you can, er, and, uh, all you land Pokemon just, er, scout out on land. Remember to be discreet!"
(Can I join?
Rank in Clan:Warrior
Appearance:Like a normal Dratini.
Personality:Cheerful and willing to help. She hates fighting and thinks that the Pokegyphs and Dragons shouldn't fight. She sometimes wanders into the Pokegyph territory.
Bio:Starlight wants to stop the fighting between the Pokegyphs and Dragons. She is brave and selfless, even if an enemy were in trouble, she'd help them. She doesn't see why they just can't get along. She has a deep hatred for the leader of thier clan for starting the war in the first place.)

((:D yep, you can
*takes page from Kusari's book*))

Crescentia - Female Pokegryph

Crescentia watched Scar talk to Twila, proud of her little daughter. She ws finaly growing up, and she would be ready to take down the Dragon's Alpha in no time. She knew her daughter had the combined strength of her parents, but none of ther father's foolish ideals. Alliance with the Dragons - Ha! What a stupid idea.

She shook her head, and flittered to the perch of her crooked tree, landing on the largest branch. She looked down at her beloved clan, claws scraping on the bark.
Griffia was thirsty for blood, she could almost not wait. "Lets battle!" She shrieked, high enough for the PokeGryphs in the air could hear it. "Kill those pesky dragons!" She loved the thought of blood in her mouth, her claws tearing up flesh. "Let their blood fill their own caves!" She incited the other Gryphs, she wanted the battle to be as bloody as possible, preferably for the Dragon Clan.
Alilang whooped cheerfully. The female Garchomp's tail waved in the air. Even Fukuro, quiet and impassive, was grinning. The shiny skin of his scars glittered in the light; Zius could almost see the traces of bloodlust in his comrade's eyes. Most prominent were the ones on his neck, from his first battle where a particularly violent PokeGryph had rendered him mute and nearly dead. The three Gabites, still shy in the presence of the Alpha Female and her son, tittered excitedly amongst themselves. Fins flared and claws extended, as excitement brushed through their veins.

"Spread out, everybody. Kalki, you tail Alilang, Sagitta can have Fukuro. Ensys, you can follow me," instructed Zius.

Kalki looked distinctly relieved as she looked up at her elder sister. Alilang, after patting the Gabite's head reassuringly, dashed together with her off into the grasses. Sagitta, on the other hand, timidly glanced up at Fukuro, hardly daring to look into his eyes. She meekly followed the silent Garchomp as he jogged leisurely into the grasses. Alilang's wasting her energy, Fukuro's lazy as usual... But they always make up for each other in the end, so it should be fine... thought Zius with a faint smile. Zius nodded at his partner, Ensys. It was obvious that he was younger than the rest; his small stature sported scales closer to the slate gray of a Gible, although traces of purple were starting to appear. However, Ensys seemed to be the best observer, keenly aware of everybody's positions.

"We're going to be back-up. Don't worry too much about falling behind; we won't need to go too fast today. There are a lot of fliers who can watch over larger areas- we're just here to scout close details just in case they miss," said Zius.

Ensys nodded in acknowledgment. The two raised their arms for balance and lowered their fins, reducing air resistance. The fresh morning air was crisp and refreshing. With swift movements they leaped forward through the golden grasses after their teammates.
(( Leaving on the third for a maximum of two weeks. D: ))

Scar - male pokegryph

Scar could only smile at Griffia's enthusiasm. "Yes. We will kill the dragons," he echoed. "Their corpses will burn day and night, and their blood will stain the grasses for the rest of the season. May your wings be strong, your eyes keen, your claws sharp, and your beaks strike true!"

He had long stopped being bothered by saying this when he himself was part-dragon, had no claws, and his beak was insufficient as a weapon.

"Have the scouts confirmed the dragons' position?" he asked the crowd in general - someone ought to know it. He was sure they had, however, so instead, he was more set on waiting until the time came. Twila's new subordinates would be arriving soon as well, and he hoped she was satisfied.

It was then that he realised with a jolt that Jaecia had followed him, so silently that he'd never noticed.

"There will be death," she predicted. Scar knew this already, but disliked her warning tone. "Not all will go as planned."

"Yes," he answered impatiently, "the dragons'. If it counts as a disaster you can foresee and even fear, all the better." He knew better than to put his faith into vague prophecies. "Besides, nothing ever goes as planned. Doesn't mean it won't go well."

She simply stared at him, and said no more.
Twila - Female PokeGryph

She looks out at the crowd, hiding her smile when she heard the warning.

Indeed, it will not go as planned. Now...to think of how to get to the Alpha of the Dragons...If I could do that, and strike a deal for peace, maybe we can all live away from this swamp...no, I can't do that yet, not with Mother still watching my movements.

She starts to preen her feathers, loving how pretty and soft they were. She was told that she had her Father's wings, but according to her mother is was thankful that She didn't have his foolish ideals.

Oh Mother...if only you knew...

She closes her eyes, working out the plans in her mind. Everytime, she finds a block, she tries to work around it...but one block wouldn'y be worked out. In her mind she sees her mother standing in her way of her plan, growling at her. Twila finally opens her eyes, a sad look in them.

Mother...if you refuse to let my plan succeed...if you stand in my way, I will prove to you that me and Father are right...even if I have to hurt you so you will have to watch me fullfill Father's dream of peace...

"Scar...When will they be here?"
(Oops! forgot to post beans
Rank in Clan:Warrior
Appearance:Like a normal Dratini.
Personality:Cheerful and willing to help. She hates fighting and thinks that the Pokegyphs and Dragons shouldn't fight. She sometimes wanders into the Pokegyph territory.
Bio:Starlight wants to stop the fighting between the Pokegyphs and Dragons. She is brave and selfless, even if an enemy were in trouble, she'd help them. She doesn't see why they just can't get along. She has a deep hatred for the leader of thier clan for starting the war in the first place.)
Scar - male pokegryph

"In time. Patience, Twila - the message flies on wings, not thoughts."

The messengers would need time to travel back to the rest of the herd, then to find Twila's new subordinates and relay the message. Jeon, Nich, and Slayer would then need to fly back.

"They will be here soon."

(( Post feels short << ))
Twila - Female Pokegryph

She sighs, laying down on the ground once more. She continues to watch the clan silently, her heart starting to feel heavy.

If they knew...would they still follow me? Would they accept me as an Alpha when my plan becomes known? Or will they turn on me and try to kill me...the future is unclear for me, but I can't give up on my dream for peace...on our dream, Father...

She closes her eyes and tries to remember what her father looked like, but failing horribly at that. She can remember his voice, but nothing more than that. She remembers him telling her about how great it would be if both clans could live in peace with each other, than no one will have to live out here in the wretched swamp. Twila shivers again, still feeling cold inside. Her heart starts to race as she begun to thinking of what would make her so cold.

Maybe this is what happened to mother...maybe this is why she is so cruel to the baby kits she abandons. How...Why does she do that to the other Gryphs when she knows that heartbreak of losing a child of her own? Why do the others not fight back agian her mother and protect their children? My mother may be strong, but if everyone just banded together...then they can fight her off and keep their babies...

Twila continues to be quiet as she thinks to herself.
Scar - male pokegryph

The wait may have seemed like a long time, but in truth it wasn't long before the trio arrived.

Slayer was very much in the lead, and circled over Twila and Scar, barely flapping her wings. She slowly spiralled down until she landed between Scar and Twila, but somewhat off to the side so she wasn't totally in the way. Scar noticed that she must've been grooming herself, as her feathers and fur were both clean and almost shiny. Until she landed in the swampwater, anyway.

Her feathers and fur were an icy blue, and would be nearly indistinguishable from the sky around her when she flew. Her claws and face looked cruel at first, especially the nasty-looking beak, but there was kindness in her eyes - not that Scar cared about that. Her wings were each as long as her body, at least, and she kept them spread out - to shed excess heat, she'd once told him, as it was always too hot.

"Hello," she said to Twila warmly. "I am the slayer of dragons, and protector of innocents. Or so I hope - my name's Slayer, anyway, and I've definitely slain many of our enemies. It's yours to wield now, but I'll be guiding it to the target." Then she turned to Scar, nodding. "May the winds be with you."

Courting was frowned upon just before a battle, and it was generally the male who courted the females anyway. Scar was glad for the formality.

Once Twila'd had enough time to reciprocate the greeting, and perhaps after a bit of a wait if Twila didn't talk much, two other pokegryphs landed opposite Slayer.

Jeon had grey fur and feathers, for the most part, but his head, wingtips, and back paws were black, and his face was white. His bushy tail was quite messy, Scar noticed. His beak was small but sharp, as were his talons.

"What's the big idea!?" he demanded of Slayer. "Why didn't you wait up, stupid?"

Nich, meanwhile, looked like a normal (though quite small and somewhat disproportioned) skarmory until her armour suddenly seemed cut off, revealing eevee fur. The fur was a simple brown, save for the tip of her tail, and the muscle had yet to truly develop. The metal armour showed no sign of rust, fortunately; it seemed that Nich was taking good care of herself.

"Hi!" she chirped at Twila. She seemed both nervous and excited. "Nice to meet you!"
Twila - Female PokeGryph

Twila opens her eyes and looks up at the trio that landed near her. She studies them all in turn, then looks at Slayer.

"Hello Slayer...it is...a pleasure to meet you, even though the time is not the best for first meetings"

She then looks at the other two, one seemed annoyed while the other was shy. She couldn't help but smile at the shy little eevee/ skarmory.

"You must be Nich. It is good to meet you, a fan of my mother as I've heard"

She then stands up, streching her wings to work out the kinks that appeared. She turns her attention to the annoyed pooch.

"And you must be Jeon....This shall be interesting, don't you agree?"

She smiles a bit darker at him, a glint of mischeif in her eye. Her mother often told her that she got that glint from herself. She then looks back at Slayer.

"...Slayer...may I ask how you were able to evolve to a Glaceon?"
Forfaves- Female PokeGryph (Pidgeotto/Absol)

Forfaves was watching this conversation with mild interest when her friend Aifa, a female Staravia/Arcanine mix, sauntered up to her.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Aifa!~" she chirped.
Scar - male pokegryph (altaria/ninetales)

"No, maybe it's not the best time, but it's the most common one," Slayer answered. "I've met many of my best friends just before a battle, and when people fight is when you can see what they're really like. Patience, hot-headedness, determination, reluctance to kill - it's all there, when you're locked in battle. I hope that, at least, we will get to know each other."

She then waited with them for the other two pokegryphs to arrive, and didn't speak again until Twila asked another question.

Scar, personally, had to approve of Twila's interest in an ice-type evolution; it would certainly kill the dragons faster. He watched quietly, letting them interact; it would be interesting to see how Twila dealt with their potential problems.

"Heh, yes, I am," Nich answered admiringly. "She's really strong, and confident, and she's so good at fighting! It's amazing, just hearing the stories, and you can see how strong she is even when she's not fighting. I wish I was that good, and I'm trying to be."

"Don't ignore me," Jeon growled at Slayer, only glancing at Twila.

Slayer did anyway, sitting down in the swamp as she answered Twila's question. "Supposedly, there are mystical icy rocks somewhere in the world. When you spend some time battling and living near them, you'll soon evolve. But there aren't any of those crystals near the Great Plains, and they only exist in cold climates where we would likely evolve into part-glaceon anyway.

"Because, after all, all part-eevee pokegryphs evolve due to extreme environments. There is really not much wintry environment for us to absorb the energy from that causes us to evolve, but the winters in the plains are cold and harsh. It's really not suggested that you go out on your own, because it would be almost-certain death if you did. I was young and stupid then, somewhere around your age, and I just flew out on my own during calm weather. There was nothing to eat out there, though, and I got lost, and almost died. Then there was a snowstorm while I was stuck in the middle of the Plains.

"Maybe that would've been enough for me to evolve, if I had the energy. You know that evolution takes a lot of energy, right? And energy comes from food. I didn't have any, and I hadn't eaten in what, two days?" Slayer shrugged. "I was saved, though. Raefi was a delibird/vaporeon pokegryph who had no reason to be scared of the cold, so she came out and found me. Dragged me into some hole she dug so I'd at least be sheltered from the wind, and fed me a bunch of meat stored in her tail. Finally I had the energy to evolve, and I did, partially, to a spearow/glaceon." She chuckled. "I wouldn't suggest it, though. I couldn't fly through the storm until I had enough energy to evolve again and my wings were stronger, but that still wasn't enough. I had to walk back with Raefi, and we didn't even know if we were going the right way at times. I was thoroughly reprimanded, and..." There was a hint of sadness in both her voice and eyes now. "I'm not sure what happened, exactly, but Raefi died because we were out there, even though she made it back. Nobody could save her."

Scar knew the story. Raefi had been one of those who scoffed at him back when he was a swablu/vulpix, and offered him a "present" when he knew they would explode in his face quite literally. He'd felt nothing when he learned of her death. He hadn't made the connection, before, that it was Slayer, but he supposed it was just something to thank her for.

It was time to intervene, though; while Twila certainly couldn't be foolish enough to try that, other part-eevee would likely be interested in a glaceon evolution and try it out.

He spoke: "Generally, however, you only require heavy exposure to cold and ice. You don't need imminent death, so it's possible to evolve in a much safer environment. If you practise battle with ice-type pokegryphs and are exposed to the cold they can bring, you will eventually evolve. I acknowledge that this method is slower, but you will be Alpha. You need not throw yourself into unneeded peril for an evolution that there are other ways to get. If you wish to join the hunt in the winter, you would not have an extremely high chance of death."

Of course, that meant that if she waited that long and was exposed to a lot of fire instead, or electric attacks, she'd evolve into something very different from what she intended. But she'd have enough authority so she could order others to expose her to ice, while simultaneously training the rest of herself.

(( Dx I keep wanting to call you Ming. ))
Iltuma- female PokeGryph with Dragon clan

Iltuma nodded at Screech and started to beat her wings, lifting herself into the air. Lanceal was right behind her, lifting up with a great roar.
Iltuma chuckled at the Salamance as he flew higher into the sky and started flying upside-down.
"Show off! Quit making such a scene!" She called out, flying up to him and batting him playfully on the head. The dragon flashed a goofy smile.
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