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Closed Battle Royale

((Sorry if I'm a bit behind time-wise everybody.))

Xyvine crashed through the last few branches, landing neatly at Lunar's feet.
"Done tanning yet?" Xyvine remarked.
"Yeah..." said the Espeon, his voice trawling away, "I have, and now I'm watching the sunset... If only... we could watch the sunset together." By "we", Xyvine knew full well that Lunar meant his girlfriend, back on the mainland. This sunset was only an illusion created by Lunar's mind however.
"It was my fault you two met in the first place." Xyvine added.
"Yeah... Thanks... I wonder how she's coping..."
"I'm sure she's fine. I bet she's thinking of you right now."
"Hopefully not fearing that I'm dead already."
"I'm certain she isn't. She'll be waiting for you to come home, not expecting to hear about your death. You do realise you were tanning in the dark? Right?"
"...Uhm, of course I did..."
"Liar." the Grovyle chuckled.
They sat there, staring at the reddening sun for a minute. The sun's rays gently fell through the thin layer of trees infront of them. Before it had been incredibly bright, and neither of the pair even wanted to beging wondering how they would have fared in the open. It were as if they weren't surrounded by murderous classmates, and that they were just on a school trip to a log cabin somewhere.

Xyvine, though fearful of doing so, broke the silence but only in a whisper.
"Lunar, something's coming... A moving cactus or something." Xyvine shook with slight fear, almost expecting his companion to explode with rage. Slowly, the Espeon got to his feet and turned to Xyvine. These were the only words he spat out.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" His eyes saddened as he said these words, and Xyvine no longer had to fear the feline Pokémon snapping at him. "We best move," Lunar continued after a pause, "else we won't wake up to see another morning."

The two slowly edged away from Lunar's tanning rock. Xyvine got into a tree, and pulled Lunar up with him. They found a large, open branch, and curled up to sleep, both listening to each other's heart beats. Their pulses both told the same story. They were scared.
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((OOC: In my post where my characters had left the building I described the entire setting. So, it didn't just turn dark. Also if you read a couple of other players posts you'd see that they've been talking about going to sleep. I'd say it's about 1AM as of now. I'm going to go and CP the bios like you asked then I'll come back and post))
((*Feels dumb*))
((Ah well, looks like I'm ahead, and not behind at least, but that means waiting to post... I love this so much already. Yeah, I'm sad and suck. xD))

EDIT: ((Okay, maybe not. Is it 1AM universally for everyone now? I assume so, so that means were all at the same spot. Also, sorry for not reading the description thoroughly, but I do like sunsets... :x))

((Thanks for the bios, Deretto.))
((OOC: Yeah, it's 1AM for everyone. We left the building at exactly 12AM. I'm going to go ahead and place everyone's location as best as I can based on their posts in my first post as well.))
Bumpy woke up early. Hanabi decided to move somewhere away from the others. She let him follow her until they were west of their starting point. There were few trees, but many bushes with deliciously sweet Pecha Berries. They each ate a few berries. Bumpy was shaking, Hanabi noticed. "Don't worry, buddy. I'll do my best to defend you."
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((OOC: Realize that I had mentioned in an earlier post that one square was about a mile. Having a post where you time laps 3 miles is a bit, ugh. Granted I didn't make it clear. Also, try not to state it in an OOC post. Do everything in character as much as possible. Read my last in character post and use that as an example. Sorry for not stating this earlier.

Think of it sort of as not teleporting. Just as you wouldn't say "I punched you in the face" during battle, you wouldn't say you're suddenly three miles away. Make a post saying you began walking west and I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE DESCRIBING THE LANDSCAPE so that it can be added to the map and set stages for battle fields and such. I just don't want this to turn into an OOC game of chess.

Also you don't need to describe your character in OOC or give reasoning for their actions, do that in character as well.))
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Fist began to climb a short but rocky hill. At first he hated the idea of this, but then reminded himself that it was training, just in a different way. When he reached the top, he could see out moderately far. Fist cautiously picked his way down the hill, which took about five minutes. Some trees were scattered around the landscape, and about a quarter of a mile away a forest started, curving east into a larger forest. Fist decided to go there, so he probably couldn't be found.

But what if all of the others were there?
Fist shook the thought out of his head and continued down the dirt path, heading for the forest.
((Whoa, thanks for the locations thingy!))

Carnage looked around. There were a Magby and Zigzagoon nearby. They appeared to be friends. Carnage snorted. What a bunch of naive idiots, he thought. They were having a small meal on berries. Carnage had an idea. They looked pretty young to him. He chuckled. This should be easy. He went over to the bushes that they were at.
Bumpy didn't notice the newcomer, but Hanabi did. She stood up protectively and blew blasting fireworks at the Victreebel, which alerted Bumpy. The Zigzagoon growled at the Victreebel.
Scorpio nudged Scissors gently. She jumped up and started clacking her pinchers, looking around for whoever was there to fight, but Scorpio just stated calmly, "It's time for your shift, Scissors. It's my turn to sleep." She stopped, and went to the lookout post, letting Scorpio sidle into the nest. She saw an old shed in the distance, but it appeared to be entirely silent and still, abandoned.
Fantasy stopped for a moment, then sighed. Raith paused at her side.
"Something wrong?" He asked.
"No, we've just been traveling quite a way, and I was wondering if we should stop and rest..." Fantasy replied.
"If that's what you want."
"But see, we would put our lives at risk if we rested. Who knows, someone might be following us."
"Then we hide. Come on, don't get yourself so worked up."
"I suppose." With that, Fantasy jumped into the lowest tree, found a sturdy branch, and curled up. Raith followed and landed on the next branch, but he stayed alert while Fantasy slept.
((Well, I tried to fix the whole thing about the tanning... And the sunset... 8D;;;

Also, I think Lunar and Xyvine would be in the forest, not in the tile withthe starting building, as they ran headlong into the forest after their "Spearow" paranoia.))

Lunar and Xyvine slept uneasily that night. The thoughts of the ever-nearing Cacturne haunted their dreams. Xyvine tossed, and rolled dangerously near to the edge of the large branch that they were sleeping atop of. Near the treetops, it would be a dangerous fall for Lunar, who's body wasn't designed for sleeping on the treetops of a forest on a chaotic island, far away from civilisation.

Lunar crouched silently in a bush, the crescent moon illuminating the open path before him. Xyvine was at his side, just as ready to pounce at their next attacker. The grass waved slightly as a gentle breeze past them from the left had side. Xyvine sniffed quickly to take in any scents that might be lingering in the air. Nothing was there. Swiftly, the pair made a dash into a berry bush, only to witness the Cacturne walking roughly in their direction.

"He can't know we're around here." the Espeon muttered.
"I don't know either. We've been hiding for hours, certainly he'd have gone away..."
They both let out a slight sigh of relief as the Cacturne walked right past.

"Gotcha," came a shrill voice. Was this a new attacker? The green beast turned to look directly at the pair. "Fooled you, punks," it spat out with a slight whistle from the holes it had for a mouth. The ragtag Pokémon attacked them with a Pin Missile attack, forcing the psychic cat and the green lizard out of their hiding place. Xyvine clambered into a tree, leaving Lunar to fend the Cacturne off for a moment.

Lunar shot out a psychic blast, slamming the Cacturne into a fir tree before concentrating this psychic energy around the Cacturne's neck, pulling him up the tree. Lunar watched at the Cacturne struggled for air. The abominable cactus wheezed, before chuckling a sinister laugh. A sharp piercing sensation rippled throughout the Espeon's body, incresing in pain until he was forced to release the Cacturne from the psychic suffocation. The Pin Missile had hit its mark as blood started so seep out of the Espeon's body. Out of the blue, Xyvine appeared, diving through the air, his neon-green arms aimed at the Cacturne's neck.

Soraring, Xyvine's eyes opened in horror as the Cacturne sidestepped the attack, held out its arm, and let the needles and Xyvine's momentum to the rest of the work for him. A sharp ripping sound echoed thoughout the night, blood spewing out onto the floor from the Grovyle's neck. Xyvine only let out a slight wheeze before collapsing, dead on the floor.

Paniced, Lunar rused over to the Grovyle's corpse with tear-stained eyes. The Cacturne made a quick blow to the back of the psychic cat's head, before turning around and walking away from the blood ridden scene as if nothing had ever happened.

Gasping, Lunar was awake and look as though he had just had an electric shock. He checked around for Xyvine, to see if the nightmare was a reality. After noticing the Grovyle's situation of falling off, Lunar dragged him to more safety before slipping back into the nightmares once more...
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Slash quickly grabbed a bag and ran out. Everyone had left earlier.

"Smell ya later." he yelled to the almost abandoned classroom, running off into the island.

He moaned a bit. He got a burn from that Flamethrower.

"Gotta find shelter." he muttered, looking for strong trees to cut down.
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