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Black Bolt PokeMafia [Day Two]

No, you don't get it. I don't get the names. Only the actions and who they were cast on.

Well that'$ kind 0f dumb becau$e that'$ exactly what I g0t, and I wa$ pr0bably the m0$t p0werful inn0cent, being the leader and all. But at the $ame time I was pr0bably the weake$t inn0cent becau$e be$ide$ leaving cryptic n0te$ (ye$ that wa$ me), I was ju$t an 0racle and had n0 $pecific p0werful p0wer$.

By the way I can a$$ure every0ne that Mai i$ inn0cent, because I g0t t0 $ee in$pection$ and their re$ult$.
Hey, I have the exact same powers! It's mainly because I asked to be DM and got the role.
Well that'$ kind 0f dumb becau$e that'$ exactly what I g0t, and I wa$ pr0bably the m0$t p0werful inn0cent, being the leader and all. But at the $ame time I was pr0bably the weake$t inn0cent becau$e be$ide$ leaving cryptic n0te$ (ye$ that wa$ me), I was ju$t an 0racle and had n0 $pecific p0werful p0wer$.

By the way I can a$$ure every0ne that Mai i$ inn0cent, because I g0t t0 $ee in$pection$ and their re$ult$.
Did you know the "mental state" (can't remember the exact word right now) of the inspectors?

Edit: Sanities is the word, I think.
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Hey, cool! I got inspected~

Anyway, can you reveal more now? I'm starting to want to type with quirks.

8ut oooooooonly 8ecause Vriska Serk8 is the 8est troll ever and is also my patron troll!!!!!!!! Aradia is so 8ooooooooring and I would only play her if I was dead!
Well then!!!!!!!! Whyyyyyyyy would you even 8other to tell us if you won't say 8n8thing!!!!!!!! So 8oring!!!!!!!!

(Not really angry, but being Vriska is fun. Maybe someone should make another Homestuck mafia...)
Well that'$ kind 0f dumb becau$e that'$ exactly what I g0t, and I wa$ pr0bably the m0$t p0werful inn0cent, being the leader and all. But at the $ame time I was pr0bably the weake$t inn0cent becau$e be$ide$ leaving cryptic n0te$ (ye$ that wa$ me), I was ju$t an 0racle and had n0 $pecific p0werful p0wer$.

By the way I can a$$ure every0ne that Mai i$ inn0cent, because I g0t t0 $ee in$pection$ and their re$ult$.

Can you share the cryptic notes to us?
I 0nly g0t 0ne in. It wa$ the 0ne fr0m ye$terday. It $aid "17, judging by the time." It wa$ a hint t0 my j0in date (0+2+2+2+2+0+0+9)[a.k.a. 02/22/2009], which when added, make$ $eventeen. I gue$$ y0u guy$ were $upp0$ed t0 find 0ut wh0 I wa$ 0n y0ur 0wn. Wait, th0ugh, w0uldn't that make me a very ea$y mafia target?
I thought 17 would be somebody's age. o.O

Most likely a vig killed Whirlpool. Unless there's a serial killer. Did Whirlpool already told his role?
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