Chief Zackrai
pingpong wixard
No, you don't get it. I don't get the names. Only the actions and who they were cast on.
Well that'$ kind 0f dumb becau$e that'$ exactly what I g0t, and I wa$ pr0bably the m0$t p0werful inn0cent, being the leader and all. But at the $ame time I was pr0bably the weake$t inn0cent becau$e be$ide$ leaving cryptic n0te$ (ye$ that wa$ me), I was ju$t an 0racle and had n0 $pecific p0werful p0wer$.
By the way I can a$$ure every0ne that Mai i$ inn0cent, because I g0t t0 $ee in$pection$ and their re$ult$.