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Open [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia: Quest for the Golden Shards

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

(I'll be fine and it's okay~ Just don't do anything like that again.)

The Bird-Queen nodded, thanking Castycal with a chirp even though she knew he couldn't understand her. She hopped onto Spaektra, thinking of what would happen when they got back to Arylettopia...

Those Journalists were probably waiting.

"Halt... what are you doing? This is a restricted area! Do you have Passes from the High Lord?" Yelled a rather authoritative voice, deep and strong. Several officers of the Arylettopian Police Force had gathered around the tea-sipping Eve and Phillip, their crossbows prodding the two. The commander of the forces stood at the very front, his high ranking marked by several crimson stars on his uniform.

Commander John looked coldly at the two, his sharp eyes glaring at them. "Well... answer me! Where are your Passes?!"
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Ah, I see . . . they very well could be the same." he stated. "I know the way. Perhaps we can find out?"


The servant panicked when grabbed. "Uh, his majesty is busy right now with someone who appeared to be a prince." he told the woman after being asked.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"What prince?" pressed Raeneudd.

Physician Derilli slumped into a chair, shattered. He had not expected Chief Windstar to go downhill like that, and he supposed they were lucky he was still alive. He hadn't come round yet - they didn't think he would until tomorrow now - but at least the Rangers still had a commander. He grabbed a cup of a herbal drink which was sat at the table beside him. It was cold now, as it had sat for several hours, but it was still good.
He slipped down into the chair as he sipped the drink.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"I didn't hear the name, but I can take you to them, if you let me down..." the servant replied.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"That sound like a good idea. I think you should do it," said Raeneudd calmly. "Now, where abouts in this castle are they?" she inquired, "and what's your name?" she added as an afterthought.

"It may be worth seeing," replied Timcyduch, "although I would have thought it a long way from here."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"They are in the secret room right now, so no one can hear their conversation. And my name? Just, uh, call me Tom." the servant said, and started guiding her through the castle.


"Yes, but from this room you can warp anywhere on our planet." the king stated.
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Really?" asked Timcyduch, actually surprised, "because as we entered the connection between the Gate of Eternity and my key vanished when we entered, so it seemed far more likely that this room prevented extradimentional travel."

"Tom, is it?" asked Raeneudd, but she didn't wait for an answer. "Well, Tom, it seems me and you got off on something of a wrong foot. My name is Raeneudd, but you can call me Rae. It's just I'm kind of worried, since a friend of mine disappeared somewhere when he was supposed to be coming here, and we can't find him. He's a prince, so I'd like to make sure it's the same guy."
She smiled briefly, and then a look of concentration came over her face. "What's this secret room - some kind of private meeting room or something?"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Okay, shall we leave now?" he asked Timcyduch.


"Oh, hello, Rae. Well, his majesty mostly trains and warps from there, but occasionally he uses it as a meeting room if no one else should hear." he said as he came closer to the portal to the Secret Room.(The portal is like a door, you don't really know it's a portal)
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Whenever you're ready," replied Timcyduch, bowing slightly, causing his armour to rattle.

In his sleep, Malbarad, tossed and turned. He saw visions of darkness of the sky, and the Thing tearing down the gate and ripping the City apart. He saw Timcyduch dead, the royal houses smashed to rubble, the land split open. Suddenly he awoke and swung upright, screaming into the night. Nurses ran to him to calm him down.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Okay, let's go." King ChaosTres said to Timcyduch and created a portal of energy from his Moon Blade. "Come right through." he said and walked through while motioning Timcyduch to follow.


Tim opened the door to the Secret Room to find - it was . . . empty?
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Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'John, Arylett has sent us here. We have no passes however we have been told by Arylett to come. Please, Arylett should be here sometime soon' Eve said desperately to the guard.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Timcyduch stepped through the portal. As he did so he noticed two things. Firstly there was a chill from the key as it came back into range, and secondly he thought he could here someone enter the room he was leaving. He ignored it and continued.

Raeneudd was not impressed.
"So you led me to this empty room. Well, explain yourself Tom," she demanded.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

The guard didn't seem to be listening to Eve's constant blabbering about Arylett so she decided to ask Phillip what to do. The guards seemed tough.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

When the king stepped out the portal, he was in a land that people hardly came to or across, the Land Rift.


"He-he was in here a minute ago." he said and asked the guard by the "door" where he had gone. "He never left the room . . ."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"So where is he?" asked Raeneudd dangerously.

Timcyduch followed the king out of the portal, and surveyed the land rift for the first time. The chill of the key faded now, and it carried an odd heat. He would have to be careful if he was to return home from here, as the gateway may be corrupted. It would be very bad if he was trapped in the void.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Eve decided to stay calm and not attack the guards who were still refusing to move and let them in.

'PLEASE, may we pass?' asked Eve desperately. 'We must, Arylett would not like to see us in a dungeon.'
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Liars! Queen Arylett has just issued the command not to recognize ANYONE without a Pass from the High Lord as being allowed in Arylettopia. If you don't have one... then get out. I'm warning you, I don't want to have to use this."

Commander John continued to regard the two intruders coldly, his steel gray eyes showing that he was obviously not going to budge.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

King Phillip landed near the entrance to Arylettopia. He overheard the conversation with the sentry and walked up to him, raised his ring and said. "Do you see this? It's a Royal Ionian Ring, worn only by the King of Ionia, who happens to be me! Ionia and Arylettopia are sister countries, and if you don't let us into Arylettopia then I will come in by force." he said in a stern voice.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"I . . . I don't know . . ." the guard said, confused.


"hmm . . . well, whenever I take people places they are scared of being lost, but there is nothing to be worried aboutbecause I can return you to the Secret Room at any time, as long as we are not separated." he said.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"LET. ME. IN!" King Phillip yelled impatiently.
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