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Open [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia: Quest for the Golden Shards

Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Kinova followed the chirruping conversation in bemusement. Could this situation get any weirder? she thought to herself, as the others made the decision to retreat. Still, at least if they were heading back to Arylettopia things should be calming down... she hoped, anyway.

Distracted, Kinova jumped as something began sniffing around her trouser pocket from behind - it took her a moment to realise that it was merely the Curl-Tailed Bird that she had used to get there. "Oh." It was really very interested in her pocket... oh, of course. Kinova stuck her hand in and pulled out a number of Rainbow Pellets, the Curly-Tailed Bird's preferred food. She'd forgotten she'd grabbed some at the stables for the journey. The Bird she'd come with happily gobbed up a couple and then took an especially large one to one side to eat more carefully.

She was about the shove the rest back in her pocket when she looked at at the currently Bird-shaped Queen. She looked back at the pellets. Well, they weren't the most nourishing things, but maybe they'd give the Queen the energy she needed to make it back... "Um," Kinova said, motioning to the pellets in her hand, "d'you... erm, do you want any?"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Eeergh... Rainbow Pellets.... just thinking about them made her sick.

Arylett cringed, suddenly recalling the time she thought she was a Curly-Tailed Bird sardonically... well now it was the reverse. Ha ha, how the Newspapers would love this! Once more, she began to think of the headlines... those scathing Arylettopian Journalists! Still, she did find the situation somewhat amusing herself, smirking as much as she could with a beak.

For some reason though, she really didn't want to refuse the Pellets. She snatched several from Kinova's hand, gobbling them down in mere seconds and feeling that disgusting bitter taste in her mouth. Bleh! Why did she do that...?

"Ewww. Why the hell did I even do that?" Within a few seconds, there came that aftertaste... a sweet and spicy one. Her tongue was on fire. And yet... it tasted good. Oddly enough.

"We should get ready to leave." The Bird-shaped Queen chirped to Kinova, forgetting that she couldn't understand her.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Timcyduch began to look amongst the book. He wasn't entirely sure what he was looking for but he figured he'd be able to tell what it was if he found it


The beam of light was now bound in strands which criss-crossed along it's length. The stands began to contract, causing the beam to compress. As it did, the light got brighter and brighter, to the point where almost no-one would have been able to look towards it. The massive beam was now no more than an inch or so across now, and suddenly, with a sound not dissimilar to a cannon, the beam crashed out forwards, the staff went backwards in a recoil, and the fine lance of energy sped straight towards The Thing.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((Um, I find it slightly God-Mode-ish that they happened to find a weak spot on the thing, even though I never described one in the form, but oh well...))

The Thing wanted to scream, wanted to cry out, as the beam of magic sliced into him, creating a hole that literally went right through his body. He collapsed to the ground, but already the wound was healing over.

The Thing opened its eyes again, and spoke hoarsely.

"Get... out..."

The Anti-Arylett eyes appeared either side of it again, and began to charge up some other Horrid spell. Before it could do anything, though, Cas rushed past, grabbed Malbarad and Raeneudd and span on the spot, engulfing them all in his rainbow cloak. A few moments later, the cloak fell to the ground, empty.

At the same time, Cas, Malbarad and Raeneudd re-appeared on the surface. Cas listened in on their conversation a little, and gathered that Arylett had been somehow transformed into a Curly-tailed Bird by some sort of wizard.

Cas looked very different without his cloak, which had been left deep in the cave - as had Spektra. He felt different, too.

He slumped to the ground, feeling considerably depressed.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Malbarad crashed sideways, showing the side of him which had been hidden before. His skin and clothing were ripped apart by the ground in the lair, and his chest looked burnt. His pendant, hanging though the hole in his jacket, looked as though it had been blackened by soot, and his key fell away, finally shattered by the sudden teleportation. Raeneudd dropped beside him, panting. She had burnt up most of her magical powers and would need time to recover them. There was no option; she had to go back to Pheboraedd. She pulled out her own key. As they had come out of the cave, she had felt the chill over the metal, which told her they were in range again.
Using her staff for support, she pushed herself up onto her feet and moved out of the way. She then, slowly and deliberately, mimed putting the key in a lock and turning it. Suddenly a large ornate gateway appeared on the mountain. Raeneudd hauled Malbarad up and guided him towards the gate.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Sapphire sighed when Hoshikaze came back empty-clawed. Or brained, perhaps.

"No sign of them, huh?" She shrugged.

She could have sworn Hoshikaze frowned and shook her head.

"I wonder where they all could be," Sapphire said, a hint of wistfulness in her voice.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

There came a sudden buzzing sound from the entrance of the cave. Cas turned hopefully - and saw, to his glee, a tiny speck of rainbow colours shining the darkness. Spektra merged from the cave and landed on Cas' shoulder, clicking his wings twice to show he was fine.

"What happened to the cloak?" Cas asked, already knowing the asnwer. Spektra gave a long, deep chirp to confirm his fears.

Cas fell to the ground again. He sighed, but at the same time Spektra was already at work, creating rainbow=coloured threads from nothing and spinning them around, sowing a new cloak.

After a few moments, Cas turned around and saw, to his amazement, what the beetle was doing.

"But... that makes no sense... I... I thought you were born from the cloak?"

For the first time ever, Spektra spoke, transmitting a playful, sinsong voice into Cas' mind. "The cloak and I are one and the same. if the cloak dies, I can rebirth it, and if I die, the cloak can rebirth me."

"...What are you?" Cas asked, still in wonderment at the cloak materialising before his eyes.

This time, the voice seemed doubled, but it was more than an echo, it was as if two things were speaking at once - the beetle, and the cloak. "I am Spektra, guardian of colour."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Sargent Smidd was the gate open, which was normal. People came and went all the time, although this arrival wasn't pre-booked. He watched as two people staggered through. He stared for a moment and suddenly realised who they were. He dashed out of the observation room, down the stairs of the gatehouse, called for his squad, and ran over to the shapes staggering through the courtyard.

Raeneudd wasn't sure is Malbarad was still awake as she passed back into the city. She didn't think she could carry on much herself. She knew she had to get back, but somehow she couldn't tell her legs that they had made it. As her vision swam a man in a red coat rushed towards her, and then the world went black.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

((When I said 'weak spot' I didn't mean 'ultimate super power killing spot.' I just meant a spot that could be damaged, as opposed o one that could not.))

Lucas pulled out his sword and ran to the other side of the room. Everyone was gone. I'm alone, except for the Thing.
"Well, Thing, I beleive I must be going. Ta."
He drank down a milkshake and burst into mist. Before he transported out, he threw a hunting knife at it, as a last attack. The next thing he knew, he was outside of the cave with King Philly. He smirked. Teleportation shake.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Arylett's head spun around to see Castycal, Philly, and Lucas.

And she watched with astonishment as the insect weaved before their eyes a marvelously sparkling rainbow cloak. She hopped over to him, still quite unaccustomed to walking with bird legs and thus tripping and stumbling quite a bit.

"Castycal, Philly, Lucas! What... what happened?" She chirped to them, once more forgetting that she was unable to speak human.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Cas stood up and took the wonderously soft cloak from Spektra. he fastened it around his neck, and the beetle disappeared once more in its folds.

There was a chirping noise behind Cas, who turned to find himself face-to-face with Arylett. He looked at her sadly, and shook his head. "I'm sorry Arylett, but I really have no idea what you just said."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

She let out a low sad chirp.

"You're okay though... right? Oh please understand this..." Once more, she attempted to communicate with Cal, the chirps still coming out full force. GAAH! Who had done this to her?! She kicked the ground in frustration, squawking furiously, Arylett was cursing again.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

'Don't get angry Arylett, Violet is at your service' Violet said, bowing 'I have heard of your greatness'
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Where is the Queen?" KP said, only seeing a Curly-Tailed Bird.
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

She stopped squawking in frustration, realizing sheepishly that Violet could translate for her. Well... at least that was some bright side.

"Please tell the others that I've been turned into a Curly-Tailed Bird by two unknown men. And ask Castycal what happened in the cave and how did the fight go and about the Horrid Thing."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

Lucas stifled a laugh at the translation. Turned into a Curly-Tailed Bird?
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

After translating, Violet said 'Yes Lucas, a curly tailed bird' *chocobo laugh chirp thing*
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"Couldn't we just use magic to turn her back?"
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

"I doubt it... this spell seems pretty hard to break." She chirped. "Tell the others that we're lgoing back to..." The Curly-Tailed Bird gulped for a moment, thinking of having to face the Journalists... but it had to be done. "Arylettopia right now."
Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards

After searching through thousands of books, the king finally found the one book he was looking for. Moonlandik Legends, Book 1. He flipped it open to the memorized page and read aloud the words on the page. (seen on first post)
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