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Bulbatwig and Friends' Sprite Safari!

Of course.


I'll create a form for the adoptables later.
An interesting recolour by my sister. She's never sprited before, so it's surprising how well it came out! She calls it Pikapur.


It was done using Suicune's blue and purple and Jigglypuff's pink.
Right-o. Adoptable form:

Special features(Odd colours, added parts, etc.) - keep in mind that they will probably change as the adoptable grows! :

Here is an example (And it's just an exaple. This one won't grow).

Hmm. Is my thread dying? Not one request for a whole day...
New sprite, made of absolute fail.


Poliwag ate a little too much.
This might be a little a hard for an adoptable but here it goes.

Name: Cyberflame
Species: Cyndaquil
Special features(Odd colours, added parts, etc.): This Cyndaquil has like a flamethrower type machine on its back instead of the flame coming straight out of its back.
Background: Lava or volcano stuff.
Eeeh. I can't scratch, so the machine part may be difficult, but I suppose I could use one of Blastoise's cannons, recolour it and add flames coming out. Would that be okay?
How's this?


^Use this

If it doesn't appear to have changed within about a week, just remind me.
Oooooh Adoptablezzzz :D Requestrequest~

Name: Oblivion
Species: A doom Houndour! (With horns instead of ears. Some fire parts and claws. Wings. Demonic wings >:D Recoloured that the bone parts are silver whilst the body is black. Uuhh, nothing else.
Special features: Black with silver spots. Small, demonic wings. Fire coming out of a crack in the egg :D
Background: Something dark. At night. With stars maybe?

Thanks in advance :D
Can I have a candy bar? I want it to be the color of the flying thing in my sig and to have a Drifloon on it. Do you use different symbols? If so, can you do the Japanese symbols for the phrase "Drifting on the Wind"?

And I don't know if I can request two things at once, but if I can't, then just do the candy bar. If I can, I would like an adoptable, please.

Name: Drifty
Species: Drifloon
Special features (Odd colours, added parts, etc.): The hearts are yellow and darker yellow striped. It has a blue feather sticking out of its cloud. It also has some clouds behind it, but not attached to it.
Background: Preferably windmills, but if you can't find that, then a cloudy sky.
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can i have an adoptable?

Name: Tigrera(i know,its a Bakugon,check out the features for why i named it that)
Species: Mew
Special features(Odd colours, added parts, etc.): It has some black tiger stripes on its body and tail,ending with a black thing going around the tip of the tail,possibly orange in body color.....?
Hmm... Bakuphoon, I've finished yours, but I can;t find a background for it. Any images in particular you'd like?
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