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Bulbatwig and Friends' Sprite Safari!

That's fine.

Right, sorry guys. Expect your requests this afternoon(well, at least, this afternoon for me. Let's just say in around 9-10 hours.

One down.
British >:(

They will be here soon. Sorry, I'm just really busy with other things.
I like the Glaceon/Eevee, but I had requested a Glaceon/Umbreon. Sorry to bother you.
AAAAH! Sorry, Shiny! I must have read you wrong. I'll add the Glumbreon to the queue.

Oh, yes, on the old forums. I understand now, you mean you want the candy bar sdeperate from the store. Certainly.


...note to self: Never do a Glaceon-base sprite again.

Just kidding, but it was really difficult. Some shades of the dark blue (which, here, has been replaced with Umbreon's yellow) are used in the light blue's (black now) outline, so I had to re-use the same shade of black in places.
Right, all the requests are done.

I've considered making a sort of 'adoptables' thing, where you can request a sprite (Probably just a recolour or a very simple splice [Like, wings or a certain tail added]) and watch it grow from an egg to a baby to something fully-evolved. A bit like tha adoption centre on the old forums. What do you think?
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