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Café of Doom

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Re: Café of Doom

One of my many, along with I'm Yours (Jason Mraz) Drops of Jupiter and Save me San Francisco (Train), and A Thousand Years (Christina Perri).

EDIt: But especially I'm Yours *hint hint*
Re: Café of Doom

I could never settle on just one x3 They're all so good!
Re: Café of Doom

Hey, someone make a fake ASB battle on here so i can practice ref.
Re: Café of Doom

Ever vs Dar GO!

Ever used Sweet Kiss! It's super effective!

Just make two fakey-fake teams and choose actions for them.
Re: Café of Doom

Somepony else join! I need to practice reffing so i can qualify as a ref.
Re: Café of Doom

Sorry I'm not much into ASB.
Re: Café of Doom

*wrinkles nose at coffee*
Too bitter!
Re: Café of Doom

DA, try the practice reffings that Negrek posts in the Referee HQ. Maybe some of the past ones that you haven't tried yet.
Re: Café of Doom


I be doin' well, you?
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