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Café of Doom

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Re: Café of Doom

Much as this has been interesting and awesome, I have to go. Somehow I've managed to lose several hours, and there is packing to be done!

Re: Café of Doom

I think that a TCoD convention would be an amazing, amazing thing, but it is just not really practical. We might want to consider smaller events in various places, and then have a webcam or something in each place so faraway people could talk to each other? Just throwing out ideas here.

Late post is late.

I like this. Rose makes a very good point.
Re: Café of Doom

Bubye Rosie! Have, um, fun packing? I guess?
Re: Café of Doom

You know, IIRC Butterfree actually said that she's planning to come over here when she's done with college or something and might host some kind of TCoDCon.
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