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Calling all spriters!

Looks good!

You should try to bring the honey trees into the game. And for Breezeon, I'll try to do that next. What do you think of a cat-type thinks with medium-length, chineese-fan-like wings? Or should they be feathered, and the ears could be fan like?

Is there a way that we will possibly be able to play, or is this just on one game cartridge?

If it is, could someone else make an online one with the gathered sprites?

And last of all, could you put the ling to the list of pokemon in your sig?

EDIT: I made this one off a prehistoric millipede!

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Here's another dino (This time brachiosaurus) Pokemon, Brozen.

Type: Ice

I'm working on Sleak's evo, then I'll resize the fire starters, and then I'll work on Brozen's evo. Expect all that to be done by tomorrow night at the latest.
I really liek tigers, but I'd prefer a normal-type one, so I'll make it! :D

Look for Leaferno soon.
Tropiking = Brozen looks great, I can't wait for the evo. I hope Sleak's evo turns out as good as your other ones:grin:

Zulo = Thanks for the prehistoric Millipede, it looks awesome, I really like it. About putting a link in my sig, I will as soon as I've finished the New Pokemon page on my new website:grin:
Also when I've finished the game I'll upload it to some download sites as a rom but you'll need Visualboy Advanced to play it, you can download it. Also I'm oing to put it onto a cartridge if I buy one.:grin:

Keep the sprites coming they are looking awesome.:grin:

EDIT: Zulo, what type is your Millipede, Is it a double type or what? I think a Bug/Ground would be good, what do you think?
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Nice, what are those things going over it's face?

EDIT: Also no offense but it's a bit to bright and luminessent, could you dim it down a bit?
Now the middle bit looks wrong, could I have a go at switching the colours around a bit?

EDIT: How's this
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Here's the shiny version of Starblast,

And also here's a shiny version of the Prehistoric Millipede created by Zulo,

Zulo if you don't like it tell me and I'll change it.:grin:
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