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Calling all spriters!

AKA Staryu would be in for Starblast, (or would it) and older Pokémon should be in, too. AKA 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gen Pokémon.
how do you make spoiler tags?
i kinda need to know to make a riddle on what creature will next be adoptable^_^
put the word spoiler inside [ and ] then to end it do it again, but put in /spoiler.
@Jewel Espeon: I'm sure you can make some.
I still want to know what Kai was talking about.
Terry = Yeah, Staryu and Starmie would be ingame with Starblast, but I can only have up to about 400 pokemon in the game and so have to choose which ones to have and which to drop. I will be using pokemon from all 4 gens and what exactly will you be doing to them?

Shiny Spoink = Personally I use imageshack, it's very easy to use and it's quick.

Jewel Espeon = Sure, you can make some pokemon fo my game, the Chatot evo sounds cool and it isn't already taken.:grin:

Kai = This TCoD album, could I use this to showcase the sprites that people have made?
Here's Brozen's evo, Blizziord. Sorry it took so long.


As for the shinies you can do them.
I made the balloon pig called Bloink. I now know I am not a good scracther.

edit: If you really think the shading stinks, edit it if you want.
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Hi, I posted before saying I'd like to help out if I can...

I made this fakemon - not named yet - it's based on a black swan... cept it's more greyish... hehe

It's my very first scratch sprite attempt, and I think it's pretty good considering it's my first try. Use it if you want, but you don't have to. I'm giving permission for it to be used and edited but if so, I want credit for this sprite... Just saying. here it is!


Remember, this is my first scratch, so don't just tell me it sucks or something. it would be a water type obviously - maybe hybrid of water/dark or water/steel...Maybe.

Also, I'm willing to help out with the game in any way because I really like the idea. So if you need general help on something you can ask me to help. I also do a little mapping and scripting, but not much. just so u know!
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