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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Calling all spriters!

I've already decided to have those two in the game, I've already picked some of the pokemon that are going in my game. Also I still need someone to do the new evos of Eevee, Breezeon (flying), Aciddeon (poison) and the ground type which I don't have a name for yet.

The evo of Arbong,Arlibra
(Arbol+Lizard+culebra, spanish for either lizard or snake, can't remember.)
Maybe it's because I'm a traditionalist nitpick, but a pure Flying-type eeveelution? A huge mini-factoid about the Pokémon series is that there are no pure Flying-types. In fact, Butterfree had a nice laugh on her fun facts page when everyone realized that Chatot was indeed Normal/Flying.

[/small rant]

If you meant Normal/Flying eeveelution, OK, but that still goes against the one-type fun of Eevee. And I agree with the Dragon-type one.

Also, I cannot sprite, but I could help with conceptual ideas, if you want new moves in your game or base stats of some new Pokémon. Can I help with that sort of thing?
Haven't any of you noticed that the only types for Eeveelutions are ones that were special attacks? Such as fire, water, electric etc. Why must everyone go and create Eeveelutions for physical attacks? [/rant]
Haven't any of you noticed that the only types for Eeveelutions are ones that were special attacks? Such as fire, water, electric etc. Why must everyone go and create Eeveelutions for physical attacks? [/rant]

because there is only one "special" type that hasn't been used yet? if everyone made dragon eevee evos it would be kinda boring

also... could i help with spriting in this game? i have some spare time at the moment so i could do some scratches
*facepalm* My Dragon Eeveelution's Draceon. And I've decided how Starmie will evolve. Level up with King's Rock. It will not go.
Hi, yeah, now switched flying type Eeveelution for the dragon type, also need the poison type and I'm not sure to have a round type or a rock type, what does everyone think?

Peegery = Sure you can help with spriting, anyone's welcome.
You still didn't respond to the second half of my previous post, can I help with technical non-spriting stuff?
Oh yeah, sorry for missing that, sure you can help with non-spriting aspects of the games. You mentioned you do base stats for the new pokemon, well if you want I need the base stats for all the starters, Sotter, Cankyl and the T-Rex fire starter.
Potential and Quick base stats for Cankyl (Tropiking has veto power if he strongly disagrees with what's here):

Special Attack-50
Special Defense-45

I kinda fingured it wouldn't get too defensive until it evolved. Lots of HP, though. If people object to numbers that aren't multiples of 5, make it 70/65/50/50/45/35.

EDIT: Mentaur:

Special Attack-65
Special Defense-56

or 85/70/85/65/55/40.
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