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Can Men and Women Be Just Friends? [Article]

Guys and girls can be (just) friends. I have a few guy friends, and we get along well. I don't like them either, I mean they're nice people, but I don't like them in that way. I don't feel uncomfortable around them either, though I am most comfortable with my friends that are girls. I think it's easier to just be friends the younger you are. (Not that I'm in elem. or Middle)
Can Men and Women Be Just Friends?
Well, yeah... If you have more than one opposite gender friend, you're not going to be in a romantic relationship with all of them. ...Unless you're really polyamorous and somehow only end up being friends with people who are okay with that, I guess.

But about it causing "sexual tension" - assuming the guy in question (and they should really consider that an obsession with sex is not limited to guys) is straight, and also old enough to be interested in people anyway, then maybe. It probably depends on the person, and on their friends. A really shallow person who doesn't have m/any real friends is different than someone who loves and trusts all of their friends.


Uh... I don't know about you guys, but for me emotional attachment is a large part of sexual attraction. I'd be far more likely to be attracted to a friend of mine than a stranger.

This isn't true in every case, but I know that there are some of my friends who would be counted as less sexually attractive than some other girls at my school, and yet I am much more attracted to them due to emotional attachment.

This is an excellent point.

I know that there are people who consider themselves to have a "crush" on a person they've never even spoken to, but finding someone you see at school sometimes to be attractive and actually liking a person is kind of different.

If you've known someone for a while, you at least feel friendly love toward them, which I think is similar enough that it can turn into romantic love. You already understand them, and you already know how to compromise and how to make up to them if you fight, and you've already been around them a lot. They say that your lover should be your friend. A relationship won't last long if it's based solely on physical attraction (which is why arranged marriages are supposed to work).

I have friends that if I didn't know them, I wouldn't find very attractive at all. But since I do know them, then I'm aware of all their good traits - kindness, honesty, sense of humour, whatever - and that makes them more attractive as a person. On the flip side, you probably don't find someone you really dislike to be very attractive.

But it also seems to be built into at least some people to only like one person (at a time). So if they already have a girlfriend or boyfriend, they're less likely to notice their friends in that way.

Additionally, finding your friends attractive doesn't mean you can't be friends, or you could only be friends with ugly people. The tension this would cause is potentially worse than the tension you feel in finding your friend attractive.

It also doesn't consider gay people. Would they only create true friendships with people of the opposite sex? Or is that impossible because the other person's sexual feelings will create uneasy tension?

Okay, obviously the answer here is that gay people can only have "true" friendships with gay people of the opposite gender so that no rogue feelings from anyone will get in the way. ...oh wait that makes about as much sense as the article

Anyway, even if all friendships ever cause sexual tension, then it must be a normal thing so who cares. You can't fault people for something they can't help.
Most of the people I know have friends of the opposite sex. Parties with mixed sexes are common in my area. Its not that we have the cooties or anything, we just like hanging out with people, regardless of their gender.
Gay people don't work the same way.
Straight people don't all work the same way as each other! Yes, of course, it happens to some people and that's okay as long as you don't let it get to you. But don't project it onto so many others.
Straight people don't all work the same way as each other! Yes, of course, it happens to some people and that's okay as long as you don't let it get to you. But don't project it onto so many others.

I know they don't but sexual tension will always be an issue then - gay people are gay, so they can be perfectly friendly with women since it is of no consequence at all to them
why do you say always?

Ok, it's not always - the exceptions are if a person is so ugly you don't want to fuck her regardless or if they are family. But 99% of the time, there is going to be sexual tension between men and women.
Ok, it's not always - the exceptions are if a person is so ugly you don't want to fuck her regardless or if they are family. But 99% of the time, there is going to be sexual tension between men and women.

Based purely on your own experience. People are different, you cannot make generalisations about everyone. Period.
Based purely on your own experience. People are different, you cannot make generalisations about everyone. Period.

This is a given. If it wasn't my experience I wouldn't say it as such - all we have is our own experiences and the logic to draw conclusions from them. But it's what I observe - very rarely are men and women good friends and when they are the nature is always different due to sexual tension.
Ok, it's not always - the exceptions are if a person is so ugly you don't want to fuck her regardless or if they are family. But 99% of the time, there is going to be sexual tension between men and women.

There's no sexual tension when I'm with my straight male friends. Or my gay male friends.

(Except I would totally fuck the face off one of my male friends. But that's yeah.)
Ok, it's not always - the exceptions are if a person is so ugly you don't want to fuck her regardless or if they are family. But 99% of the time, there is going to be sexual tension between men and women.
...well then.

I believe that would constitute "sexual tension".
It's sexual, but isn't necessarily tension. And it's just the one specific guy.
The vast majority of my friends have been male and not /once/ has there ever been any sexual tension between us. Various people have said there is, but that's bullshit. If I was a guy they'd think nothing of it.

I guess there could be one exception, but he's biologically female so...

Anyway the generalisation that men and women can never be just friends drives me up the goddamn wall. Pretty much everyone I know defies this theory.
So a bisexual can't have friends, is what this is saying.

Anyway, I have a lot of female friends. I'm not attracted to any of them.

Maybe I'm a bit younger to be thinking about 'sexual tension' though. xD
Maybe I'm a bit younger to be thinking about 'sexual tension' though. xD

I wouldn't say so, generally anywhere starting from 10 is normal.
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