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Can Samurott really stand on two feet?


New member
I have always loved Oshawott and Dewott, but hated Samurott. Reason: His design was so weird. Yet, upon researching him, I was given hints that this horse-mutant thingy can stand on two feet and fight like a giant samurai. I am not sure, however, if thats true or if its just fans of Samurott trying to defend him.
Yes. It looks something like this.

Or this.
Linked for size
Well, judging from those wonderful little images, and my own opinion, yes, I do think that Samurott can stand on two feet. I think he looks a little bit cooler that way. Or awkward. Can't decide between the two.
Higher-ranking samurai would ride on horseback, so that's a part of the inspiration as well.
Well, judging from those wonderful little images, and my own opinion, yes, I do think that Samurott can stand on two feet. I think he looks a little bit cooler that way. Or awkward. Can't decide between the two.

I'm going to go with awkward. In my opinion, he should just stay on four feet. It kind of reminds me of Venusaur, becuase (even though they're quadrupreds) Bulbasaur and Ivysaur can stand on their hind legs, but Venusaur can't.
Samurott should be able to learn (Sacred Sword) Pokedex 3D Shows it taking a sword out of it's leg. Well. Same thing goes with Espeon (It has ESP=Extra Sensory Perception) Should be able to learn (Extrasensory) even though it is quite pointless, I'ma just sayin.
The reason it doesn't have Sacred Sword is because it's the signature move of 3 (4?) legendaries.
uh well samurott is less physically bulky, less specially bulky, slower, has lower attack, and has passable special attack.

its special movepool is surf/scald/brine, ice beam, grass knot, and air slash (??). oh, and some junk.
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