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"Although almost never found, this new kind of grenade in Mass Effect 3 can instantly spawn amazingly amazing Wobbuffet with the ability "Monocle". Look! There's one now!"
Originally Posted By Arlett Dawnsborough
I hope my head doesn't fall off from how disproportionate it is to my body.
Gee, thanks Lett

Staying on topic:

This mask...I feel so...dragon-y...
(I was kidding too...sorta)

This coin is worth approximately $0.
Yeah, my cousin down there, she's pretty cool. But /I'm/ the best, obviously.
Ooh! I am teh glitch that haunts your Red/Blue/Yellow/Green version!
Missingno:Boo. I scares you by corru-RYBETHBETGV^HTGBV

Game has been deleted


Edit:DAMN! You took mine everglider!

a mixed pokemon that will never be real
(Well, sorry. Your comment about my avvie make Flygonite sad.)

WTF are you talking about?! Bananas are the best!
(Dragonfree/Butterfree made it!)

Look! Tis a heroic banner!
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