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Cats (2019) Mafia

i mean, i was wrong about everything in tvt, and i was towncore! :DDD
oh yeah, my other big regret is that i lurked/read like 99% of tvt and it didnt help me learn how to play forum mafia at all LOL

readlist will come once i tackle some external things just so that my brain is less crammed
oh yeah, my other big regret is that i lurked/read like 99% of tvt and it didnt help me learn how to play forum mafia at all LOL
i went into tvt with much less recent awareness than you are coming into cats with. we are all just stumbling around tbh, i """Prepped""" for this game by reading every MU article and trying to make myself less neurotic than i was in tvt
not something i consciously thought about until you mentioned it, but i am realizing that this is likely the exact same type of posting i would do if i were scum. its just hard to think of Things To Say TM that would solidify non-scumminess when every time i think of something i immediately think "oh. if i were scum i would also think of doing the same thing bc it would appear as town haha"
thesis: mafia tries to disguise as town, so towniness is scummy
antithesis: mafia would never openwolf unless they're already outed beyond repair
synthesis: rp scum in thread and get cleared by everybody because no way an actual mafioso would do that
now that i feel a little better about both skylar and ryan i feel like i should like seshas' posts more than i do so far, since it was her who villaread them early on, but that might be me just being afraid of her Power
now that i feel a little better about both skylar and ryan i feel like i should like seshas' posts more than i do so far, since it was her who villaread them early on, but that might be me just being afraid of her Power
this is likely not significant or fair though, because it's me subconsciously comparing her earlygame play now to the GOAT level stuff she pulled during mid/endgame tvt
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