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Cats (2019) Mafia

Actual discussion thoughts tho:

If it wasn't just a random kill, is it worth assuming Mawile was chosen as the mafia's target due to his good plays in TVTropes Mafia? Whilst also leaving other experienced players alone so as to frame them as scumreads due to said experience 👀
@ blu's post, i thought about that but think it might be a little too tinfoil-y for me to feel great about entertaining too much

Who seems suspicious to all of y'all?

Blu and probably Mewtini don't seem super suspicious to me, but idk.
can you talk more about why that is? or is it just Our Vibes

i don't think i have any thoughts about anyone yet, i feel pretty good about blu for now though
idk how i feel about attributing suspicion based off of what has basically been 6 pages of memeposting but Mawile being targeted could make sense?
Hi everyone, excited to be here! Haven't read a word of the thread and might not be able to until tomorrow ^_^"

Prewritten post:

- Role claiming is probably not a good idea unless you have relevant information or you are about to be lynched. We don’t need to give the mafia more info than we need to.

- There are some people here, including me, who tend to make lots of posts or long posts and use mafia-specific terminology. If anything is confusing please speak up, miscommunication sucks.

- If you're town, posting your thoughts and ideas is good and helpful, even if other people already said them or you think you might be suspected for going against the consensus! I know that posting without worrying about if you might be wrong or if other people will think worse of you is a lot easier said than done. But if you don't post a lot, it's harder to get a read on you, and reading townies correctly makes it easier to find mafia.

/soapbox. Let's have a great game!
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