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Cats (2019) Mafia

ftr i think a big shift in my thinking post-tvt/my MU game is that i realized i didn't really try hard enough to like, build a towncore, so i think that talking about people who seem not as suspicious is valuable as well hahahaha
idk how i feel about attributing suspicion based off of what has basically been 6 pages of memeposting but Mawile being targeted could make sense?
oh yeah, i'm also interested in why @.seshas reads skylar as villagery at this stage because i kinda feel it but i suspect they felt it more than me
ftr i think a big shift in my thinking post-tvt/my MU game is that i realized i didn't really try hard enough to like, build a towncore, so i think that talking about people who seem not as suspicious is valuable as well hahahaha

yeah thats a valid point, i think im just too scared of reading too deeply into anything until someone more knowledgeable does it first
yeah thats a valid point, i think im just too scared of reading too deeply into anything until someone more knowledgeable does it first
no! posting pure thoughts is good. infinitely better than waiting for other people to either a) hopefully say what you were thinking or b) potentially mislead you
Their entrance isn't as content-oriented as TvT
HA yeah i was reading her entrance here and her tvt entrance side-by-side tbqh. i agree. wasn't sure if it was maybe just because a lot more people were talking content there than here, but i think she was a little ringleadery in it in tvt ...
oh yeah, i'm also interested in why @.seshas reads skylar as villagery at this stage because i kinda feel it but i suspect they felt it more than me
Their entrance isn't as content-oriented as TvT

I feel like saying "IS SESHAS COP!!??!" But then the mafia would get suspicious.

If I was cop I wouldn't check anyone N0 because I'm not cruel enough to blast a mafia out of a game theyve been waiting weeks for
oh yeah, i'm also interested in why @.seshas reads skylar as villagery at this stage because i kinda feel it but i suspect they felt it more than me
Their entrance isn't as content-oriented as TvT

I feel like saying "IS SESHAS COP!!??!" But then the mafia would get suspicious.

If I was cop I wouldn't check anyone N0 because I'm not cruel enough to blast a mafia out of a game theyve been waiting weeks for

I'll remember this statement if you are cop and the mafia wins and you will never forget it seshas.
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