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Choose Your Own Pokemon Adventure~ Unova


[dundundundundun, dundundundundun, dundundundun]

1) Continue

2) Abra's Walk

3) New Game
[ Save File One Continue ]

[ Save File Two New Game ]

[ Save File Three New Game ]
"welcome to the world of Pokemon! Now, i must ask you, which game are you playing?

1) Gray

2) Shadow
"Ok then, what is your name?"

1) Krystal

2) Xena

3) Green


5) May

6) Other
Yay, X3 (green's the girl from FRLG)

"Green, your adventure starts now. Howver, the jouney you are facing as no colour...except for the very rare Aqua. Go forth, for you must capture the rare Aqua. Be careful! The predators are watching!"

You wake up in your room, what now?

1) Get a pokemon from the lab

2) Sleep in.



Now where to go?

1) Desert

2) Pokemon center
You may do both.


The professor welcomes you with a smile.

"Hello Green, so nice of you to come! I am Professor Grey! Unfortunately, most of our starters and pokemon are gone, and there is only 1 left; a little baby axew"

1) get it

2) dont
You are about to get Axew, however, a boy comes and tries to steal it. What do you do?!?!

1) Shin kick him

2) Let him have Axew.


You heal your Pokemon, and you realize your three beasts, and kangaskhan are in the PC, since you must have at the most six Pokemon. So, now what?

1) Go through the desert

2) Find a way around it and go to Nimbasa

You shin kick the bastard.

"What the fuck?!?!? Fine, i'll just get a puppy" he sys and walks off"


[starting theme]



^ wait, your a gun? I always thought you were an eyeball or something...douche.



Do you

1) walk in pale sand

2) walk in dark sand
Where to go now in your colourless world?

1) Route 19

2) Marine Lake


You walk across the dark sand, however, no Pokemon jumps out at you.

1) Go to Nimbasa now

2) Go to Nimbasa now
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