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Choose Your Own Pokemon Adventure~ Unova

Oops, thanks for telling me Sv_01, i was dozing off at that time, XD

So you eat alot. What to do now?

1) Freakin anything, a boats a boat, but the mystery box could be anything! it could even be a boat!

2) Nothing and let the glitches consume you
you try to debug the glithes, but they defeat you. You now go into battle with it

send out?
Victini is sent out, but the glitch flees? Huh...

what to do now?

1) get off the boat

2) anything but option 1
You reload the game, and you appear in a city called Aspear City, right off the coast of undella bay.

Gasp! You see a wild Snorunt! Catch?

1) Yeah

2) Nah
you caught it!

Suddenly you are transported back to castelia city.

Now what?

1) Battle the gym

2) Anything else
So you battle the gym leader.

"Oh sorry, i only have one Pokemon, but it's really strong, now battle!" Burgh says.

Send out?
snivyriolupanpourpurrloinsuicuneenteiraikoucelebivictinikangaskhan(Kangashkan's level 286)sitrus-berry

Leader Burgh sent out Scolipede.
Scolipede [M] Lv 246​

Go, Kangaskhan!

Kangaskhan [?] Lv 286

Moves:(Any move Kangaskan can learn, it's over level 100!)
Rawr, the foe has been defeated. EXP to all Pokemon.

Snivy= Lv 46

Gavin= 45


Jupiter= Lv 44

Three beasts= Lv 39

Celebi= Lv 52

Victini= Lv 51

Kangaskhan= Lv 287

Now what?

1) Desert ahoy!!

2) Go somewhere else.
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