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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Choose Your Own Pokemon Adventure~ Unova

You dont have gavin with you now. XD

You look for a door. However, just when it seems endless, you fall into an endless hole. You suddenly see a boy alling the same path you are. The boy seems frightened. "Umm...follow your heart...and the way will be right" They boy says. He then sinks to the bottom, unable to be seen. You then see two doors, one left, one right. Which to go through?

1) Right

2) Left
You go left, and you appear in another room, like tahat room you were taken too after your second encounter of drake. It's barren, however, there's this picture...of a twister.. and tree pokemon...the ones you have seen before in that twister when you started your journey.

You hear a noise...it is Drake...and another Person....you listen to the conversation.

"Well, well, Jake, you have captured me....your way of Reshira is wrong, and my way of Zekrom is right."

"Drake, you do not realize an important lesson. now let the girl out."

"Fine Jake"

Drake opens the door. what do you do?

1) Kick him

2) leave, while setting off a bomb in the room, make it explode, and dont look back at the cool explosion, making you a hero.

-_-" crap...

Shin kick! You kick drake in the shin and you leave.

Suddenly, a bomb goes off! (who can blame me, XD) and you dont look back. Jake says "She's not looking back at the cool explosion, she's a hero!"

what do you do now?

1) nuke canada

2) nuke russia

3) Nuke USA

4) Nuke the earth

5) Leave
Earth it is!

You find 4 rooms, each that nuke things. You go in number 4, and you nuke the Earth. =P. Too bad your in a Pokemon world, therefore, nothing happened to you. =P

Where to go?

1) Go to Castelia City

2) Go to Castelia City...and go on the Liberty Boat.
Well? Isnt any one gonna answer? I'll post the options again.

1) Go to Castelia City

2) Go to Castelia City....and go onto the Liberty Boat.
a man stops you. what will you do?

1) walk past the guy

2) leave and lure the guy away with OREOS!
You lure the guy with Oreos, and he follows it. You go on the boat. GASP! There is no captain on the boat! so you steer it to the liberty garden.

The garden has a huge tower right in the middle, with team Bolt grunts around. Damn, just when you think you could relax, that sleezbag drake is here....DAMN!

So you go inside to the top floor. you see Drake trying to capture a Victini! the victini runs behind your legs. To save this Pokemon, you must fight Drake.

Who shall you send out?
Drake sends out-dFWFEWG-'sfgsf'dffg-----

----Warning, the following has been glitched due to oreos not being in game---and fake ---temas.---DhfghgOfyhghYvbcOgfbgUfbWbcvfdgbhfbIbdghSgfbHdsggfgdfgtTfdgdfgOsdvfsgCfdsgfdOsdfgdfsgNsfgfdTdfsdIsfgNsdfdUsdfgdsE? (do you wish to continue?)

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