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Choose Your Own Pokemon Adventure~ Unova

Snivy temporarly blnds his opponent with his shiny colors, then beats it with vine whip. the first two hits were critical, and defeated the foe!

Snivy Leveled Up! Lv 11

Jupiter Leveled Up! Lv 9

You gained $2836! You defeated Rival Bianca!
Gavin is lv 9. The gym leader will probably be lv 14. (the levels are a little lower than ingame)
You go in the gym. You have to solve a puzzle. Do you?

1) solve it

2) fuck this, i played the game! I''m going where i want
You go where you know it is. Alittle girl is in the way. Do you?

1) battle her for the switch

2) Push her off and press the switch
The opponent sends out lillipup

You send out gavin

Moves: 1) Foresight 2) Counter 3) Quick Attack 4) Endure
The foe lillipup uses tackle, but you counter it, and the opponent's Hp is half way, and your HP is 1/4

Moves: 1) Foresight 2) Counter 3) Quick Attack 4) Endure
once again, the enemie uses tackle and you use counter. you defeated the enemy.

Gavin grew to lv 11

go on?

1) yeah

2) No
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