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Choose Your Own Pokemon Adventure~ Unova

Rival Bianca sends out Lillipup.
lillipup (F) Lv 12​

Go, Gavin!
riolu (F) Lv 6

Moves: 1) Quick Attack 2) Foresight 3) Endure 4) Counter
(Ok, when i'm saying what attacks the Pokemon use, i wont put a picture cause its too much of a hassle.=/)

Gavinn uses Counter, however, it really doesnt do anything considering the foe used tail whip.

Moves: 1) Quick Attack 2) Foresight 3) Endure 4) Counter
Gavin uses quick attack about 5 times. It got rid of have of the Foes HP, but the foe only hit you once and Gavin's Hp is a little over half.

Moves: 1) Quick Attack 2) Foresight 3) Endure 4) Counter
oh....well zapi said counter...so counter....thanks Mendatt.

The foe uses tackle, while gavin uses counter. The foe's Hp is low.

Moves: 1) Quick Attack 2) Foresight 3) Endure 4) Counter
The foe lands with a thud.

The rival Bianca is about to send out Munna. will you switch pokemon?

1) Yeah

2) Nah..
You send out Jupiter. Go, Jupiter!

Munna (F) Lv 13​

Purrloin (F) Lv 4 (-_-")

Moves: 1) Scratch 2) Leer

Btw, that last round, Gavin grew to level 9, since he fought a higher level opponet.
Jupiter uses leer, munna uses hypnosis. The foes defense may be lowered, but you'll probably be dead.

Moves: 1) Tackle 2) Leer
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