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Choose Your Own Pokemon Adventure~ Unova

You go out the back door. Unfortunatly, Fennel's assistant, Amanita, is smarter than that.

"We knew you'd try to run...but now your coming with us." Amanita says and knocks you out.

you wake up in a baren room, with nothing in there. you look down. You fucking balls are gone. now where are your Pokemon?It must be the work of that drake guy.

You hear a conversation out of the locked door.
"We of team Bolt shall conquer the energy of Zekrom to defeat Team Flame and their Reshiram. Then we shall capture LANDOROUS!!!!

Team Bolt and Flame. Could this Zekrom be the electric pokemon in the twist, and Reshiram the fire pokemon in the twister This landorous must be the third pokemon. But What should you do now?

1) Try to open the door

2) Knock on the door an say "Pizza Dude here!"

3) Kick open the door and get your balls back.
You knock on the door and say "Pizza guy!"

"Ooh! My pizza!" Drake says. he opened the door and you kick him in the same spot once again. in his bag, there are you pokeballs. You grab them and leave.

Turns out you were actually taken to Nacrene city. Kool. Go to the gym, since you have a fighting type?

1) Yes

2) Nah....
So you dont. Hmm, since your Ritsu is fainted, shall you go to the pokemon center?


So you heal your pokemon at a pokemon center. Lucky you. It was a real nurse joy and you still have your pokemon.

Bianca comes up after you leave the center. She wants to battle! Will you?

1) Sure

2) No
[battle music]

Bianca OOO___
Rival Bianca would Like to battle. She sends out Oshawott​

You send out?
Snivy vine whips like crazy! being faster, snivy didnt have a problem taking it down

oshawott(F) K'Oed!​

snivy(M) LEVELED UP! Lv 8 (Still wow >.<)

Rival Bianca is about to send out Lillipup. Will you switch Pokemon?

1) Yes

2) Nah, what could happen?

(BTW, when you were in the baren room up above, the only way out was the pizza guy, other wise, you would've broke your foot and politness wouldnt work.XDXD for the shitz and giggles.XD)
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