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Choose Your Own Pokemon Adventure~ Unova

Ok, Battle.

[Pokemon crystal battle music]

Tepig Male
_____________________ ???/???​

Snivy Male

Moves: 1)Tackle 2)Leer

Oh, and each one of these "_" equal 1 HP

And this time, I wont tell what the RNG gods predict. I want you to find a strategy. Thats the fun of it!
Ya know, When getting attacks, you guys will say tackle until snivy gets another move, so tackle all the way.

You tackle your opponet. It doesn't seem too effective. Tepig takes advantage of this and tackles you full on. OOMPH! That hurts. You tackle it again. CRITICAL HIT! Tepig seems tired, but so do you. Tepig uses tail whip to lower you defense. With lowered defense, Snivy tackles it once more..and tepig falls...with a thud. CONGRATS SNIVY LEVELED UP AND LEARNED VINE WHIP!

_____________________ K'Oed!


You trudge to route one, eager to find Pokemon. You have 5 Pokeballs from Juniper. As you look up, you see a female Purrloin.Catch?


Ok, new rule, just the first vote for something goes, because i dont people ooould want to wait.

You capture the Purrloin and name her jupiter. after you catch it, it comes out, steals some food, and goes back in. -_-"
You reach Accumula town, and you see some dorks dressed in white making a speech. Cheren is there and tells you to come.

1)" I'll listen"

2)silently ignore him and go on to Striaton city
You just keep on going. along the way, you see a Pokemon center. heal your Pokemon?


Nurse joy offers you a nice smile. "Oh hello! Welcome to the Pokemon Center. Shall I heal your Pokemon? That's a yes!" 2 minutes later. "Here you go! We hope to see you again!"

Nurse joy seemed rather perky. You look in your bag. You have Jupiter and-wait...where's Snivy? That son of a bitch took your Shiny starter! Are you gonna let them get away with that?

1) Leave it, for it's your first and most likely last shiny

2) Get back your damn Pokemon

Inside the Center... "MWAHAHAHA!! I am not Nurse Joy! But! I am Drake, Leader of Team Bolt! My rival is Jake of Team Flame!!! MWAHAHAHA!!" the nurse joy imposter says. "Uhh boss..It's not a bright idea to say who you are outloud" his coulleage says.
Get back your fucking Pokemon!

By punching him in the face!
Why would you waste time battling and possibly lose when you can get him back in a good 'ole fashioned brawl?
You rush back inside, by kicking on the door, hardcore. "Give back my fucking Poemon, you wannabee leader!" You yell. "But you must battle me!" Drake says.

"Fuck that!" you yell, and then you kick him in the testicles.

"OOMPH! ARRGGHH!!!!" Drake howls in pain. You look inside the bag with millions of pokeballs. yours has a sparkle on t to indicate shiny. the only sparkle ball in the bag, so you get it out, and you bring snivy out. "SNIVY!" it screams in excitement.

You leave the guy with one of his testicles popped. You walk out. there seems to be a fork in the road. One road leading to Striaton city, the other leading to a dungeon with awesome pokemon.

1) Striaton city

2) The Dungeon where you can get awesome pokemon and train Snivy and Jupiter.
You go into the dungeon. You decided to train your Pokemon.

Along the way, you see a *gasp* a female Riolu! What cave could you be in!? Riolus certainly aren't Unova Pokemon! Catch?

1) Hell yeah!

2)Nah, skip it
(BTW, yeah, a certain cave does have Riolu's)

So you have a brand new Pokemon. Now you decided to train your Pokemon.Train it where?

1)On a rock

2)in that little exit right there, probably leads to just another room

3)On random Pokemon

Your team;

Snivy (M) Lv 7
Purrloin (F) Lv 4
Riolu (M) Lv 5
Challenger's cave. We know. Though we certainly aren't sure how we got there from Striation.
Anyways, aren't we supposed to name it? I vote we name it Frederick.
As for train it where, I vote for 4) Leave. The Pokemon here are way stronger than we are.
this is a choose your own adventure. You can make it what ever you want!

So you...leave...=/ ok....You continue your path to Striaton City. Once you get there, the gym leader mets you at the door. He tells you to tran at the dreamyard. Go?

1)Go there
You go to the dream yard. A young girl comes up. She wants to battle, and she says you cannot escape this battle...so you battle.

Bring out?
Snivy Purrloin Riolu
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