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What prophecy? ^.^
I suspect you were expecting to be criticized for your coffee drinking habits purely because you have been criticized for virtually everything else you've posted so far and are now developing some kind of persecution complex.

Now, tell me about your childhood...
And with that, this thread has gone down the drain, along with the old, room-temperature coffee that you petty tea-only drinkers chose to throw out.
And with that, this thread has gone down the drain, along with the old, room-temperature coffee that you petty tea-only drinkers chose to throw out.

Well, I can't imagine that room-temperature coffee tastes any better than hot coffee, and seeing as coffee makes me feel sick that's really the only place it can go 8)
Well, I can't imagine that room-temperature coffee tastes any better than hot coffee, and seeing as coffee makes me feel sick that's really the only place it can go 8)
I was thinking that the reason for it being room-temperature in the first place was because you chose not to drink it and it sat there on the desk for a couple hours. :/
As do I!

Coffee might have the Viridian Coffee Man, but tea has the Gatehouse Guards in FR/LG. They wouldn't let you bloody through till they'd had their bloody tea.

But Viridian Coffee Man couldn't even move without his coffee.
Therefore I submit that Viridian Coffee Man is Godot
I was thinking that the reason for it being room-temperature in the first place was because you chose not to drink it and it sat there on the desk for a couple hours. :/

But why would I make coffee in the first place if I don't like coffee...?

and you silly english people don't like the letter 'z'

Anyway, I didn't used to like coffee, but then a couple of years ago I had some and I was like 'this is actually pretty okay', Now I am addicted. ;U
Considering that S also makes a Z sound that's pretty much everywhere :J

WRONG 'z' is different from 's' mhmmm! Can you spell 'zoo' with an 's'? No, because then you sound like an IDIOT who can't say 'zoo' properlyyyyy

and that smiley sucks, get out >:O
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