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Colorized pokemafia II [Day 3]

Re: Colorized pokemafia II [Day 2]

So you're a... paranoid gun owner, if I remember the name correctly?
Re: Colorized pokemafia II [Day 2]

So you're a... paranoid gun owner, if I remember the name correctly?


tl;dr Eeyup.
Re: Colorized pokemafia II [Day 2]

i have no idea on what's happening here
but i will just say
that i have a one time use thing
Re: Colorized pokemafia II [Day 2]

Don't know about Mystic, but I'm just giving a fair warning to all Bakers/Doctors/Inspectors.
And to antagonize the Mafia.

Re: Colorized pokemafia II [Day 2]

Whoa! I forgot about this game. x.x Posting so I don't get modkilled, I guess.
Anyway, lynching people over some Homestuck reference confusion is pretty pointless, right?? So I say we abstain for now. Unless someone has a better suggestion, of course.
Re: Colorized pokemafia II [Day 2]

1. Legendaryseeker99 - ??? - Paranoid Gun Owner
2. Mawile - Delibird - Baker
3. RK-9 -
4. Glace -
5. Metallica Fanboy - Slaking - can only post on even-numbered days
6. Flower Doll -
7. Superbird -
8. Mai -
9. Windswept Questant -
10. Windragon -
11. Wargle -
12. Hawke -
13. bulbasaur -
14. Darumaka -
15. エル. -
16. Karkat Vantas
17. Mystic -
18. Lightning Ice Fireball -
19. OrngSumb -
20. DarkAura -
21. donotlookatdiagram -

Current vote count: 1 Mai, 2 Abstain, 3 DarkAura

And just to even things out here I'll Abstain.

New current vote count: 1 Mai, 3 Abstain, 3 DarkAura
Re: Colorized pokemafia II [Day 2]

i am a vanilla miller. When inspected, i show up mafia on inspections. i've got no night action.

Meh, DarkAura Cause i'm super useless. D=
Re: Colorized pokemafia II [Day 2]

Yeah, I don't really think you're active alien, so DarkAura.
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