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[Comic]Super Smash Bros LOL

Phyro Phantom

Peanut Butter Warrior
This is an older comic that I felt like uploading because it's funny. It was drawn in MS paint with a mouse so it doesn't look so pretty. =P I only have a few pages and I may or may not ever continue it. Heh, looking at the date these are older than I thought - I drew them last year. You can complain about the drawing quality, but I've already improved in that area, so criticism about the humor would be more appreciated. Thanks...

First Page - Landmaster
Second Page - Sonic

If this makes you laugh, I have succeeded. =) If not then I failed... feel free to express your opinions.
Sorry to disappoint you, Phye, but yup, you failed. Because of the drawing quality, I can't make out anything from it and thus I find it not funny in the least.

Concerning the art, it's a nice attempt drawing with a mouse, though... I think...
Sorry to disappoint you, Phye, but yup, you failed. Because of the drawing quality, I can't make out anything from it and thus I find it not funny in the least.

Concerning the art, it's a nice attempt drawing with a mouse, though... I think...

Lolz. Well it was pretty bad, and it is over a year old. Maybe I should redo the text with the text tool sometime. -_- Don't worry, my newer handrawn comics aren't this bad... >_> I just thought I'd post it because it was just kinda... there.

You.. misspelled "Newcomer"..

I know. =) That was intentional lol.

By the way, this was not meant to be taken seriously by any means. o_O
You can make some nice drawings with a mouse, it just takes longer than with a tablet.

As for the actual comics....I really didn't find them funny. Sorry to disappoint. D:
I think the problem is that there really isn't a joke, but rather some random stuff. Plus picture quality is always a plus, though not neccesarily needed. I guess keep working at it?
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