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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
well. sleep powder and sweet scent aren't Tough. if mf was fitting the flavour to the role, she'd be looking for one move of each type excluding Cute that lilligant can learn and that vaguely evokes roleblocking... I haven't checked but I find it perfectly easy to believe that body slam was the best option available for Tough. it can paralyze at least.and body slam? instead of, iouno, sleep powder, or sweet scent, or something to do with aroma. sound off, everyone, if your flavors are this wonky
why would something have had to changeregardless, at this point if you're still tunnelled on me i don't think anything other than a flip is going to get you out, so i think i'd rather look at more productive avenues of discussion.
@mewtini wanna talk a bit more about your vote on me? earlier you were saying flavour wasn't a sensible reason to vote... did something change?
i don’t think w!herbe ~ever posts this and while i TLed kate earlier on i’ve mellowed out on that (there were certain tonal things that i thought sounded more like villa but on reflection they’re closer to scumrange for her than i think herbe’s posting has been to their scumrange, even if they haven’t been as active)ugh remind me next game that i am bad at mafia actually and my whole "dont focus on acting townie when im townie just be natural" schtick doesnt work when im Bad At Being Town, i gotta get better at this game
that all being said i don't think im the worst mis-execute so /shrug is how it is
tinfoiling this for no reasonoh shit im so sorry dude! i'm afraid so, literally didn't even notice i'd missed you. guess you're almost by definition in the "no strong feelings" sectionI was kinda wondering why I didn't get included in qenyas list though... Am I really that much of a non-entity in this game so far?![]()
no particular reason i guess! just that you didn't offer any other explanation, and we were tied before you voted so if you'd got it in before EoD it would have shifted it up to 5-4. so i figured there must be some logic behind it. but your thought process makes sense to me, coolwhy would something have had to change
kinda i guess? less the fact of the vote, and more that they seemed to be piggybacking off RNP's push. but i freely admit it's based on nothing mech since it turns out i have no useful mech info whatsoever lol.cringe but i’m kinda tempted to suggest a third wagon but i don’t know who yet. why are the herbe voters voting herbe, is it mostly because they voted qenya lol
ah i missed this. tricky tbh, nothing much has changed since my tierlist the other day... sande and you still seem pretty levelheaded, and i might put stryke round about there too, or at least at the top of the nullpile... i guess i would move to "yeet the inactives" out of a lack of any other ideas. and of them it seems mean to go for jack when he has good reasons not to be paying much attention to the game, so wisper probably. but i stress that's the weakest possible justification i can imagineactually, @qenya, who would you vote after herbe (if anyone)
gotcha, that makes some more senseless the fact of the vote, and more that they seemed to be piggybacking off RNP's push.
hmmm... hmm.... hmm..... i can't fully relate, and i can't say i see what you see about their towngame, but i guess i follow your logic and see where you're coming from. it makes me uneasy but perhaps i just need to trust your superior experience.i see what you mean, i think i’m projecting the fact that i’ve definitely been in situations where i was suspicious of someone but too nervous to vocalize it until someone with some more thread weight brought it up. the main thing that makes me townread herbe here is the way that they’ve stuck to it, i think
i honestly loosely don’t want to kill anyone toDay lol but i know we should
my moves also have "target used high-appeal" vs. "target used low-appeal" as one of their differentiators, so I'm inclined to believe this.no guarantee that this will be An Indicator, but in case it is: qenya, if you feel comfortable, would you be able to give any description as to how your roleblocks are differentiated from each other? I am curious whether it will be similar to mine, in which case I would be much more comfortable believing your claim
hmm... i kept it secret out of habit but, sure, i think it would be quite hard to take advantage of. my moves are the four combinations of "only blocks high-appeal moves" vs "only blocks low-appeal moves" (the exact cutoff i will keep private, i think...) and "blocks the target earning appeal as well" vs "only blocks the effect". petal blizzard is obviously the one that only blocks high-appeal moves and doesn't block the target earning appeal.
same here, my moves are somewhat flavored like what you might expect them to be, but only if you kind of squint sideways at them (i.e. the effect was obviously decided first, then the flavors, then the ad hoc justification to link them).uhh. i can safely say that out of my moves, two do not do anything remotely like what they're flavored as, and two do do what they sound like, kind of? so i really don't wholly disbelieve that frenzy plant could be a roleblock, aside from my general suspicion about qenya and lilligant and frenzy plant?