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Crazy Linoone vs Chiropter (Ref: Negrek)

Don't worry Milo, you're doing great! Still got a ways to go, though, so don't let your guard down.

Use Shadow Sneak to get out from under all that crust and filling. Try to vanish and move away just as Crunch is about to strike, so as to dodge his attack at the same time. (Oh, and if you think Crunch can't tell where you are, try to get him to notice you before you attack, so that he won't use Aerial Ace.)

After that, dodge the Rock Tomb with Agility, and then use Giga Drain again while he's relaxing.

Shadow Sneak ~ Agility ~ Giga Drain
Round Eleven

Crazy Linoone (XO)
Crunch (M)
Health: 91%
Energy: 84%
- Covered in poison and pie filling, but overall okay. Badly poisoned (3% next round). +2 Attack

Chiropter (XO)
Milo (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 28%
Energy: 52%
- Struggling to escape the filling.

Milo tries to calm herself down and think as she struggles through the hot, sticky pie filling, drawing energy to herself and preparing to make a swift getaway. Behind her she can hear Crunch blundering along, far less hindered than she is by the blueberry mess but slowed down a bit nonetheless. Droplets of water flick from the tip of the totodile's tail as he approaches Milo, and the scaly appendage ripples and sparkles around the edges, as if only barely holding onto its solid characteristics. Milo waites, muscles tense, until the totodile stands right over her, but as soon as he starts to bring his tail around she is gone, fading down into her own shadow and rocketing, unhindered by physical obstructions like the pie filling, around behind him.

Crunch's aqua tail smashes into the crust in a spray of water, but Milo is nowhere to be seen; a second later, the spider emerges from within the totodile's own shadow and leaps on him, sharp mandibles worrying at his tough hide as the spider gets in a surprise attack. Crunch wheels, throwing the spider off, and prepares to retaliate, calling on what passes for rock in this arena to aid him. The hunks of crust he'd ripped up with his earlier rock slide start to tremble, then rise into the air with a series of quiet sucking noises as they break free of the filling wave. Milo doesn't wait to see where they fall; motoring her little legs as fast as she can, the spider takes off running, pushing through the pie filling as best she is able. The drift of pieces of crust follows along behind her, and one at a time the deadly "boulders" come crashing down. Milo is moving faster and faster, and though the terrain hinders her agility attack somewhat, she just barely manages to avoid each piece of crust as it falls. At last she reaches the edge of the pool of filling and breaks out onto clear, solid crust, and at that point, there's no catching her. The spider makes impressive time as the rock tomb collapses uselessly behind her, not as fast as she might have been if she'd had an easier time of warming up, but noticeably more limber nonetheless.

As Crunch is grinding his teeth, cursing the failure of his latest attack, Milo pulls to a surprisingly quick halt and opens herself to the natural energy flowing through the world around her, calling on the power of life itself to give her aid. Again a dense cluster of green strands bursts free of the ground around Crunch and wraps him in their leeching tendrils. The totodile hisses and struggles out of the giga drain attack, making for the edge of the filling puddle, even as his energy is drained away and siphoned off to refresh his opponent. Ripping the last few tendrils off of himself, the totodile steps out onto clear crust opposite Milo, then sits down with a sigh. Crunch does his best to relax despite knowing that his opponent is watching from across the pie, just waiting for another chance to strike. Letting his shoulders slump, the totodile halfheartedly licks some of the pie filling off his snout--by now it's cool enough to eat--and tries to enjoy its intense sweetness. The toxic circulating through his body is making him feel more nauseous than anything, and he can't help but be a bit dejected by his failure to damage Milo this round, welcome though a chance to chill might be.

Crazy Linoone (XO)
Crunch (M)
Health: 77%
Energy: 83%
- Still covered in pie filling and not feeling too great. Badly poisoned (4% next round). +2 Attack

Chiropter (XO)
Milo (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 32%
Energy: 40%
- Covered in pie filling, but at least not surrounded by it now. +1 Speed

Terrain Notes
A large portion of the arena's center, about fifteen feet in diameter, has been coverd an inch deep in pie filling. Broken pieces of crust, covered in filling, are scattered more or less at random throughout the puddle. On Crunch's side of the field, large chunks of crust have been torn up, revealing the reservoir of filling below.

Final Notes
- The pie filling hindered Milo's agility a bit, with the result that she didn't get as much speed out of it as she otherwise would have.
- Chiropter attacks first next round.
Excellent, Milo! Now let's try to keep Crunch from moving around too much with a few Spider Webs (try to stick his legs and/or jaws together, if you can aim it like that). Round things off with another Giga Drain.

If he uses Aerial Ace, however, Protect, then Disable it if you still have an action left. Chill on the first action if he Protects or Detects.

Spider Web/Protect/chill ~ Spider Web/Disable/Protect ~ Giga Drain/Protect/Disable
Oh dear, oh dear.

But of course, Protect won't be able to hold for three rounds in a row, and, even if it did, it will take quite a lot of energy. So...

Use Aerial Ace on the first action. If the spider is faster than you, use Facade on the second action, then Detect to avoid the Giga Drain. If the spider is slower than you are, use Facade on the second action and Waterfall on the third and hope for a flinch. Again, try to smash the spider into the hot filling for some nice damage.

Aerial Ace ~ Facade ~ Detect/Waterfall
Round Twelve

Crazy Linoone (XO)
Crunch (M)
Health: 77%
Energy: 83%
- Still covered in pie filling and not feeling too great. Badly poisoned (4% next round). +2 Attack

Chiropter (XO)
Milo (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 32%
Energy: 40%
- Covered in pie filling, but at least not surrounded by it now. +1 Speed

Crunch looks with distaste out across the expanse of pie filling separating him from Milo. His options are to slog through it in order to reach the spinarak, or to take the considerably longer route out around its irregular edge. Across the way, Milo watches calmly, waiting to see what he'll do. In the end, Crunch decides that the long way is better and takes off along the puddle's edge, shooting along at prodigious speed. He's not fast enough, though--by the time he reaches Milo, the spinarak has thrown up a quick protect shield, and when Crunch's stubby-clawed paw comes raking down at her, it scates off the edge of the barrier in a blast of silver sparks instead of striking its target.

As soon as Crunch lowers his arm, Milo lets the protect fall and wheels to stare him straight in the eye. The totodile staggers back as the spider's eyes flash with golden light and a shiver passes through his body. Crunch scratches his head in confusion, a weird tingling running through his brain. Oblivious to the loss of his aerial ace attack, the totodile shoves the weird sensation to the back of his mind and gears up for his next attack. Crunch focuses instead on the sick feeling of the toxic wending its way throughout his body, his heartbeat increasing and his muscles tensing as rage and indignation flood his body. Milo creeps back a couple steps as the totodile's expression darkens and a low hiss emanates from his long snout. She is completely unprepared for the sheer fury of his attack when he falls upon her, though, jaws snapping and stubby claws flailing in a spasm of destructive ire. Enhanced by the totodile's earlier swords dance, the facade attack is furious and leaves Milo crumpled and twitching with pain.

Letting out a puff of exhausted breath, Crunch backs off but keeps a wary eye on Milo, just waiting for her to attack. The spider stops twitching and lies still, trying to ignore her and concentrate on her next attack. By now giga drain is a familiar command, and Milo easily summons up the life energy necessary to reach out and snare Crunch. The totodile's grown used to giga drain by now, too, though, and he knows the signs to watch for. The ground beneath him grows faintly warm and he leaps, jumping out of the way just as familiar green tentacles reach up out of the ground and claw at the space he's just vacated. Milo directs the giga drain towards Crunch again, but the totodile unabashedly runs away, and Milo can't sustain the attack for long. The giga drain fades away and Milo fumes, while Crunch looks around warily, in case any other weird energy constructs should try to attack him.

Crazy Linoone (XO)
Crunch (M)
Health: 73%
Energy: 64%
- Watching Milo closely. Aerial ace disabled (1 more action). Badly poisoned (5% next round). +2 Attack

Chiropter (XO)
Milo (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 18%
Energy: 25%
- In poor physical condition, but not ready to give up yet. +1 Speed

Terrain Notes
A large portion of the arena's center, about fifteen feet in diameter, has been coverd an inch deep in pie filling. Broken pieces of crust, covered in filling, are scattered more or less at random throughout the puddle. On Crunch's side of the field, large chunks of crust have been torn up, revealing the reservoir of filling below.

Final Notes
- Crunch's aerial ace cost slightly more energy than usual, as he had to run a fair distance to reach Milo with it.
- Crazy Linoone attacks first next round.
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Sorry about that; I guess I just read Chiropter's commands wrong. It's been changed.
No worries~ :3

Goodie, Crunch. Now that the spider's almost dead, let's see if we can get rid of it in one action... Since Aerial Ace's disabled and whatnot, let's start off with a Waterfall. After that, Waterfall again and try to smash the spider into the filling for extra damage and a chance of flinching. Finish it off with a Facade -- beat the spider to a pulp!

If the spider uses Giga Drain on the second or third action, Detect, but not twice in a row. If the spider Protects, just Chill.

Waterfall/Chill ~ Waterfall/Detect/Chill ~ Facade/Detect/Chill
Okay, Milo, we're kinda running out of options here. So... I'm going to give in and go with a strategy I was intending to avoid this time: Attract. (Ah, the memories...) Once you've got Crunch under your thrall, chill for a bit. Dodge the Facade with Agility if he uses it; do the same for the second Waterfall only if you were hit with the first one.

Attract ~ chill/Agility ~ chill/Agility
Reffing from Negrek

Negrek said:
Round Thirteen

Crazy Linoone (XO)
Crunch (M)
Health: 73%
Energy: 64%
- Watching Milo closely. Aerial ace disabled (1 more action). Badly poisoned (5% next round). +2 Attack

Chiropter (XO)
Milo (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 18%
Energy: 25%
- In poor physical condition, but fairly well-rested. +1 Speed

Milo tries to hide her grimace as she hears her trainer's command; she's not terribly enthused about trying to seduce Mr. Teeth over there, but if it means a win for the team, she supposes it's worth it. The spinarak creeps towards Crunch in a way that she hopes he doesn't find scary, doing her best to look cute and harmless despite being, well, a spider. Crunch backs away nervously as the spinarak approaches, and Milo doesn't press the advance, stopping and trying for some verbal flattery first. Crunch doesn't have anything to fear from her, she explains; after all, he's so strong and determined, there's just no way she could hope to win against him. She only wishes they could have met under more favorable circumstances. After all, a battle doesn't give one a lot of chance to get to know a handsome guy better.

Confused, Crunch taps his foot as he tries to figure out what he should do. He doesn't really want to hurt Milo, who is obviously helpless and treating him to her most pitiful expression. At the same time, though, he doesn't really want to disobey his trainer. Closing his eyes to block out the sight of Milo's mandibled face (which, strangely enough, he doesn't find quite so repulsive as he did before), Crunch frowns and tries to figure out what to do. At last, more out of frustration than anything else, he decides to just attack and get it over with; before he can change his mind, the totodile opens his eyes again and rushes at Milo, scales sparkling blue as a sheet of water spreads out over his scales. Crunch slams into Milo with considerable force, and the spider is knocked over onto her back, her legs flailing weakly at the air.

Crunch tries not to feel guilty as Milo slowly rolls herself back onto her stomach, letting out little squeaks of pain as her wounds twinge. Though a bit exaggerated, most of Milo's discomfort isn't feigned; at this point, it's mostly sheer determinatoin keeping her going, and she's not sure how long even that can hold out. The beseeching look she shoots at Crunch is practically genuine--she really doesn't want to get hit by another one of those waterfalls. Crunch doesn't meet her eyes, grimacing as he struggles with his feelings. Once again, his loyalty to his trainer wins out over his feelings for Milo, and the totodile breaks into a run, gathering water energy around him.

This time Milo isn't just going to sit back and take the attack, though. As soon as she sees Crunch start to move, the spider takes off, motoring away across the pie crust at top speed. Crunch staggers to a surprised halt as he finds the place he had expected Milo to be empty--and a quick look around finds her watching him from several feet away, recovering from her short burst of speed.

Try as he might, Crunch finds that he can't be very angry with Milo at the moment; she might be responsible for the poison currently plaguing his system, but at the moment she's looking so sorry and forlorn that he can't bear to hurt her. Shuffling his feet nervously, the totodile avoids his trainer's gaze and hopes for a new command that doesn't put him in a position where he needs to make these sorts of difficult decisions. Meanwhile, Milo, after deciding that Crunch is going to leave her alone for a while, gratefully sinks into a brief chill; with her whole body aching and her desperation growing, any chance to take a breather is welcome.

Crazy Linoone (XO)
Crunch (M)
Health: 68%
Energy: 51%
- Anxious and a little tired. Attracted to Milo (severe). Badly poisoned (6% next round). +2 Attack

Chiropter (XO)
Milo (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 5%
Energy: 29%
- On her last legs. +2 Speed

Terrain Notes
A large portion of the arena's center, about fifteen feet in diameter, has been coverd an inch deep in pie filling. Broken pieces of crust, covered in filling, are scattered more or less at random throughout the puddle. On Crunch's side of the field, large chunks of crust have been torn up, revealing the reservoir of filling below.

Final Notes
- Chiropter attacks first next round.
...Uh... Well, Milo, I'd like to be all gung-ho, let's-come-back-from-the-brink-of-defeat and all, but... yeah. Still, there is the possibility, however remote, so don't let up just yet.

Try to tie Crunch up with a couple Spider Webs - again, aiming for his jaws and legs - then chill.

Spider Web ~ Spider Web ~ chill
Yeah Crunchy go! You can do it!

Linoone's going to play with probability a bit here and tell you to Slash all three rounds. Even if you got spiderweb'd, you don't need feet to use slash, and you don't exactly need your jaws to slash either. Anyway, that spider's gotta pay for the poison. If you found yourself unable to attack because you got tied up or you were attracted, Attract on the first time that happens and Chill on the others.

Slash/Attract ~ Slash/Attract/Chill ~ Slash/Attract/Chill
Round Fourteen

Crazy Linoone (XO)
Crunch (M)
Health: 68%
Energy: 51%
- Anxious and a little tired. Attracted to Milo (severe). Badly poisoned (6% next round). +2 Attack

Chiropter (XO)
Milo (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 5%
Energy: 29%
- On her last legs. +2 Speed

Milo raises her head, squinting over at Crunch, who is looking at her with a goofy grin plastered across his snout. Irritated and in pain, the spinarak sets out to wipe that stupid smile off his face. She spits a thick net of silk at the totodile, a little off in her aim but still managing to catch him on the side of the face, covering his right eye beneath a layer of sticky threads, gumming up the right side of his jaw and encasing his upper arm in more of the spiderwebbing.

Of all the things that Crunch might have expected Milo to do, that definitely wasn't it. One moment she was just lying there being pitiful, and the next thing Crunch knows, he's half-blind and partially caught in a spiderweb. Experimentally, the totodile tries to open his jaws and move his webbed arm; he can move them a little, but the dense, tight threads are exceptionally tough and firmly resist his attempts to do more than that. It would seem those parts of his body are quite thoroughly tied up.

Crunch gives Milo a nervous half-smile. He didn't realize she was into that kind of thing... and, well, it makes him a little uncomfortable, to be honest. Fortunately, one of his arms is still free and his legs are unencumbered; there's nothing to stop him dashing over to Milo and giving her an indication that he doesn't see her as so innocent and helpless anymore. The totodile's obstructed vision makes his aim a bit shaky, but his slash hits true anyway, his short claws flashing through the air and tearing into Milo's carapace.

The spider shudders and lets out one final, decisive hiss, then falls unconscious at last, hemolymph oozing from her latest wound. Crunch gurgles happily and thumps his tail against the crust, then winces as pain twinges through his torso--the spider might be downed, but her noxious poison is still doing its work in his system.

Crazy Linoone (XO)
Crunch (M)
Health: 66%
Energy: 46%

Chiropter (XX)
Milo (F) <Insomnia>
Health: 0%
Energy: 24%
Knocked Out!

The two pokÈmon melt away in twin flashes of red light, recalled to safety as their trainers circle lower to the pie. Their platforms settle gently to the surface of the pie and they disembark, meeting at the center of the arena for some traditional post-battle handshakes and congratulations. The referee hands around the cash--and paper plates and plastic silverware so they all can stop and enjoy a piece of the arena before running off to their next battles.

Crazy Linoone gets $25, Chiropter $6, and I $10. Milo and Zigzag get three EXP a piece, while Crunch gets two and Tuari, one. Good match, you two.
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