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CRIMBO SURVEY: When did you stop believing in Santa?

When did you stop believing in Santa?

  • Never did believe in him

    Votes: 13 17.1%
  • Age 3-6

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • Age 7-10

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Age 10+

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • I still /do/ believe in him!

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • I don't remember

    Votes: 9 11.8%

  • Total voters
I don't remember. It was very gradual. I remember setting Cookies out. And in the morning there was a bite out of the cookie and a note next to it. My mom did a good job with the tidy hand writing. Now I actually remember admiting to knowing Santa didn't exist when i was 15. I mean I knew a while before that, but that was when I acctually talked to my mom about it.
When I was littlish (five? six?), my mom denied that she put the presents there herself ("but mom Santa has your writing and I see a roll of the same wrapping paper over there") so I made a mental note to sneak downstairs and catch her the next year.

...and I did.
My parents said a bunch of things about Santa but I was a fairly logical kid so. :/ NEVER BELIEVED IN HIM
Never did believe.
Never had Christmas (in living memory) either so what do you expect?
Oh yeah and unless Santa is a time lord it's kind of impossible for him to do his job.
I kind of wanted to believe in them until I was around eight, and at that point I felt very betrayed that my parents had lied. I'm still of the opinion that there is no need to insist that things like Santa Claus are real, since kids have a very easy time appreciating make-believe and pretending it's real for the purposes of making things fun.
Yeah, this is probably spot on. I don't recall my parents ever making a big deal out of Father Christmas, nor do I remember actually believing in him. Nevertheless, it was a little tradition we had in the family that it was a beardy man in a red suit who got us presents. We didn't believe it any more than we believed that Harry Potter existed or whatever, but that didn't mean we couldn't have a bit of fun imagining Saint Nick oiling up his sleigh.

There was this wonderful book I had when I was about six, about Santa Claus's factory. It had aeroplanes and stuff, I think, instead of sleighs, and the elves all had computers. Might've even been in German, that was the age when I would still readily speak German. But then, I digress.
I started to not believe about 10, but I wasn't sure. It was only last year that I knew for sure. My parents woke me up as they got the presents.
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