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CRIMBO SURVEY: When did you stop believing in Santa?

When did you stop believing in Santa?

  • Never did believe in him

    Votes: 13 17.1%
  • Age 3-6

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • Age 7-10

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Age 10+

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • I still /do/ believe in him!

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • I don't remember

    Votes: 9 11.8%

  • Total voters
I never really believed.

It was hard to believe that a fat guy with a sleigh can come over my hose which didn't even have a chimney. Nor did we need one.
I don't believe in Santa and never have, but..
I swear, when I was like seven, I started going down the stairs at like 11:00 Christmas eve, and there was this old guy in a red flannel shirt taking camera phone pictures of my presents. I just went back to bed, too tired to care.
>> So. I was insane even at the age of seven.
tut tut,,
It't not about logic, hell, it isn't even the fact that he comes down the chimney and gives you presents. Santa is being able to run down the stairs in the morning and beliveing in christmas! Santa clause, actually St. Nicholas was a real man (if you already know this just shut up, kay?) Who gave all he had to help the poor.
Click this for information on St. Nick
Believing in santa isn't about weather or not it's logical it's about believing that there's still good in the world, it's about believing that someone could actually make such a huge difference in the world! Now, of course the real guy is dead, and reindeer can't actually fly, but that doesn't have anything to do with weather or not you believe! all it means is that it's harder too.

Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing.
And honestly i think the world would be a better place if some fat guy in a red suit really did leave presents under a tree for kids.

okay, you can yell at me for ranting now.
I belive I was only 6.

I was going to get a drink in the kitchen and I saw my parents putting presents under the tree. Then I realized that a huge fat guy couln't fit down a chimney. :P

i still want flying reindeers though ;-;
I believed until about... Well, I just discarded the idea around eleven or twelve. It wasn't traumatic, it didn't bother me.
if my memory serves me well, i was 9, i didn't actually believe in him, but i kept saying i did because i wanted to believe
i just started saying no at 10
I can't remember. It was a gradual thing I reckon. When I was really little (about five) I did believe but when I got to about eight, my mum had other things to worry about then encouraging an old myth every year.
I can't recall ever believing in Santa as a little kid. I mean, I'm sure I did at one point, but I don't think it was very long until I realized it was just a story. I definitely remember sitting downstairs telling my mom what Santa was doing right now, essentially adding on to what my parents had already told me, showing that I realized that it was just a fable. This was when I was six or seven. I played along for a while, but when I was eight I tried to "disprove" Santa, and get my parents to admit that it was really them putting the presents under the tree. I never did get them to tell me the truth, not to this very day. Goddamn stubborn parents. >(
I think I was about six, but I encouraged my little sister to continue believing until she was about twelve because, that way, we got two sets of presents instead of one X3
Well, we don't precisely have "Santa"; we have thirteen old tricksters who have gone soft over the years and give children small presents in their shoes if they're placed near open windows on the days leading up to Christmas.

I kind of wanted to believe in them until I was around eight, and at that point I felt very betrayed that my parents had lied. I'm still of the opinion that there is no need to insist that things like Santa Claus are real, since kids have a very easy time appreciating make-believe and pretending it's real for the purposes of making things fun.
I'm still of the opinion that there is no need to insist that things like Santa Claus are real, since kids have a very easy time appreciating make-believe and pretending it's real for the purposes of making things fun.
I agree with this sentiment, because on the one hand, I find it kind of immoral to tell your children something that you know, 100%, to be false. On the other hand, telling your kids that you buy all the presents from a store and then put them under the tree while they're sleeping would make Christmas lose all its magic and mystery, which wouldn't be fun. :(

Christmas still had magic and mystery to me waaaaaaay after I stopped believing in Santa. This is because in our household, until Christmas Day, there's never sign of anything Christmas-related in our house, not even on Christmas Eve. Then I go to bed on Christmas Eve, and wake up in the morning, and go downstairs, and all of a sudden, there's a big Christmas tree that wasn't there before, with lots of presents under it. And the ornaments on the tree aren't red and green, like in many people's houses. Every single ornament is gold, which is absolutely dazzling to look at. When I was little, I would forget about the gold ornaments every year, and so it would always be a surprise how the ordinary living room had been transformed into this beautiful thing when I was sleeping, and how did my parents ever manage to do this?
I was either eight or nine. I can't remember which. It just him me that there is no way in hell that a fat old guy could get down my chimney. Especially since I didn't have chimney.
Apparently, a primary school teacher in the UK got in trouble for telling her/his class that Santa wasnt real and the headteacher had an assembly-thing where they told all the kids that he was, in fact, real.

...kinda crazy, really.
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