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Closed Crossing the Void


The fastest girl in town
The universe....so large. So many undiscovered planets.

Or so you thought.

All the cartoons in the world live in the universe. There are several planets.

Nickitis-Home of the Nicktoons
Disicus- home of all the Disney Characters
Netuno- The home of all Cartoon network characters
Waris- Where all the Warner Brothers. characters live
Super Planet- Home of all the superheroes.
Animania- Home of all the anime characters.
All other cartoons that don't fall under the listed live on Miscania.

You fall asleep one night and wake up the next morning on one of the planets. You find out that all the villians and some possessed by what the toons call "The Void". You are one of the chosen to help save their worlds.

Looks (You're in the cartoon world, so you can look odd):
Personality (Doesn't need to be large and can be played out):
Planet you land on:

Name: Ami
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Looks (You're in the cartoon world, so you can look odd):
Personality (Doesn't need to be large and can be played out): Played out, but she loves older cartoons and is a gamer.
Planet you land on: Nickitis

Name: Zodiac
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Looks (You're in the cartoon world, so you can look odd):
Personality (Doesn't need to be large and can be played out): PO
Planet you land on: Waris
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Name: Dr. Ruby Lehrer (AKA Spinny Lad)
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Looks: A mostly Red costume with yellow sleeves, boots and a yellow eye-mask. Has a tornado on his chest with the letters SL on it.
Personality: PO
Planet you land on: Super Planet.
Name: Lulu Martindale
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Looks (You're in the cartoon world, so you can look odd): A caucasian female girl with peridot earrings, hazel eyes and red hair. She wears a grey tee-shirt with a Pikachu sleeping on a cloud with its mouth wide open in a smile. There are four clouds and two rainbows connecting them. White dots are in the background. Her pants are jeans that are ripped at the end. Her shoes are grey and pink with yellow-and-pink flowers on the sides. Lulu also has braces.
Personality (Doesn't need to be large and can be played out): PO'd, please.
Planet you land on: Animania
Powers?: She can transform into a small green dragon with purple eyes and also can be a polar bear with purple eyes.
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Name: Mysti
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Looks (You're in the cartoon world, so you can look odd): Blonde, curly hair: she has hawk wings: she wears orange most of the time.
Personality (Doesn't need to be large and can be played out):PO
Planet you land on: Animania
Other: She has psychic powers.
Name: Valkrie
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Personality: PO'd.
Planet you land on: Animania
Power?: Shapeshifting

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If I can pin at infinite speeds, and at a molecular level, allowing electrons to slow to a stop, allowing him to shift phases, and fly, by spinning the air around him.
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Name: Koiyuki
Gender: Female
Age: 14

Personality: PO
Planet you land on: Animania
Power?: The power of flames-Very useful, actually~
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