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Cruel Mode Mafia [INDEPENDENT WIN]

Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 9]

... That's. Uh. Interesting.

Any bets if Wargle is activated?
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 9]

"What in blazes do we do now?!" What role are you, anyway?

So why would the day end so early? I think it's because nobody has a night action anymore. Most likely, the mafia are down, but...
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Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 9]

So why would the day end so early? I think it's because nobody has a night action anymore. Most likely, the mafia are down, but...

Nobody can *do anything* to help themselves!

No players were able to submit a night action.


Anyway, if our calculations are correct... we are going to win and I am going to be the most amused because I never thought we could win ever.

Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 9]

Midnight and I are a vigilante + lover pair! Seri, while I trust that you're innocent and bulletproof because one of us made with the stabbing, I think Wargle may be activated and modified lover win is the most hilarious. In the event you're actually alien who we very cleverly activated, it will still be hilarious. Please accept our apologies and also vote for yourself.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 9]

Hahaha you all assume I'm alien because I made a quick lie...

Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 9]

Most likely? Implying we'll activate and then lynch her.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 9]

I was a mere vanilla townie all along. I had a condition that if I died before a certain day I'd be the sole winner but it failed.

My plot... ruined by Jekyll. Of course everyone passed it off as Alien but alas.... the mafia knew i wasnt a threat.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 9]

All righty then. Taking the safe route, apparently, our alleged lover-vigilante pair team up and vote against poor Seritinajii, who sadly surrenders and is brutally beaten to death. By a bear. Or something.

Seritinajii is dead. He was not Mafia.

48 hours for night actions.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [NIGHT 9]


The remaining townspeople find no bodies lurking in the alleys, the doorways, or in fact anywhere; but they are all quite sure what they're supposed to do now. That wasn't terribly clever, was it?

Nobody has died.

All players submitted their night actions.
48 hours for day discussion.
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 10]

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Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 10]


I was afraid of that :( should have skipped my action.

OH WELL, second-best end \o/
Re: Cruel Mode Mafia [DAY 10]

enekoiru grabs poor, confused, suddenly-betentacled Wargle and cracks her over the face with an... explosive baseball bat?! What kind of -


enekoiru and Wargle have been reduced to sad flakes of matter, floating gently back down to the blackened earth. Midnight stares at the scene for a moment, before rather nonchalantly claiming that she 'just can't deal w/ it' and stabbing herself in the throat with one of her butterfly knives. The spray of blood is really rather aesthetically pleasing, before one remembers that nobody is left to enjoy it.

enekoiru is dead. e was not Mafia.
Wargle is dead. She was not Mafia.
Midnight is dead. She was not Mafia.

But, due to the virtue of being dead last, Midnight wins!


The GM log will be up in a moment.
Oh my god I love this ending ♥ JUST ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU.

Even though.


So I don't actually win. But I SORT of won since my pseudo-lover died last. So it's all good.
1 Mafia Don – opaltiger 
2 Mafia Underboss – Squirrel
3 Vengeful Dentist – Grate Aural Sects [mafia silencer]
4 Prankster – Karkat Vantas [mafia roleblock]
5 Mafia Goon – Mai 

6 Vigilante – OrngSumb
7 Doctor – Flower Doll
8 Doctor – Cirrus
9 Bodyguard – Applebloom
10 Lover – Dave Strider 
11 Inspector – Legendaryseeker99
12 Inspector – Jack_the_PumpkinKing
13 Private Investigator – blazheirio889 
14 Oracle – Bachuru
15 Alien – Wargle 
16 Bulletproof – Seritinajii 
17 Hider – Blaziking the Adept
18 Costume Designer – Kirby-Chan [schizo]
19 Cute Girl Scout – Superbird [roleblock]
20 Timewarper – ole_schooler [delayer]
21 Godfather – Midnight [third-party vigilante]
22 Martyr –  enekoiru [innocent terrorist]
23 Bus Driver – Meowth 
24 Party Host – newt 
25 Party Pooper – Derpy Hoves

[b]NIGHT 0[/b]

- Dave Strider chooses Meowth as his lover
- Midnight chooses enekoiru as a partner-in-crime/lover. thing.

- newt chooses to forego his role
- ole_schooler chooses to forego his role
- Superbird chooses to forego his role
- Derpy Hooves chooses to forego his role

- OrngSumb targets opaltiger
- blazheirio889 targets opaltiger (OrngSumb)
- Applebloom targets Bachuru
- Blaziking the Adept hides behind Kirby-Chan
- Bachuru asks 'Is there an alien role (here defined as any role which can immediately win the game if lynched)?' (Yes.)
- Midnight targets Superbird
- Legendaryseeker99 inspects Blaziking the Adept (innocent)
- Cirrus protects Meowth
- Jack_the_PumpkinKing inspects Midnight (innocent)
- Flower Doll protects Midnight
- the Mafia target Midnight
- Grate Aural Sects targets Superbird
- Kirby-Chan targets Seritinajii (did nothing)


[b]DAY 1[/b]

Legendaryseeker99 is lynched

[b]NIGHT 1[/b]

- Derpy Hooves disables all night actions. (only investigations go through)

- Applebloom targets Flower Doll
- Cirrus heals Flower Doll
- Jack inspects Wargle (innocent)
- Meowth targets Flower Doll and Blaziking of the Keyblade
- Blaziking hides behind blazheirio889
- Bachuru asks 'Is there currently (at the end of this night) an inspector alive?' (Yes.)
- Kirby-Chan targets Wargle
- Flower Doll heals Blaziking
- ole_schooler targets Flower Doll
- Grate Aural Sects silences Cirrus
- blazheirio889 targets Bachuru (Applebloom)


[b]DAY 2[/b]

Flower Doll is lynched

[b]NIGHT 2[/b]

newt chooses to shuffle all night actions (except investigation)

Jack inspects Cirrus
blazheirio889 investigates Wargle
Bachuru asks 'Is there a time warper alive at the end of this night?' (yes)

ole_schooler targets Wargle
OrngSumb targets ole_schooler
Blaziking hides behind blazheirio889
Applebloom targets Bachuru
The Mafia target Wargle
Kirby-Chan targets Mai
Midnight targets Seritinajii
Cirrus targets Wargle
Grate Aural Sects targets blazheirio889

upon switch

ole_schooler – Wargle
OrngSumb – blazheirio889
Blaziking – Kirby
Applebloom – Wargle
Mafia – blazheirio889
Kirby – Seritinajii (protect)
Midnight – Bachuru
Cirrus – ole_schooler
Grate Aural Sects – Wargle


[b]DAY 3[/b]

Wargle is silenced
Cirrus is lynched

[b]NIGHT 3[/b]

Applebloom targets Jack
Blaziking hides behind Jack
Jack inspects Grate Aural Sects (mafia)
Kirby-Chan targets newt (inspect; innocent)
The Mafia target Jack
Karkat targets OrngSumb
Grate Aural Sects silences Blaziking


[b]DAY 4[/b]
Blaziking is silenced 
Derpy Hooves is lynched

[b]NIGHT 4[/b]

Jack inspects enekoiru (innocent)
OrngSumb targets Grate Aural Sects
Kirby-Chan targets Grate Aural Sects (kill)
ole_schooler targets Midnight
Blaziking hides behind Kirby-Chan
The Mafia target OrngSumb

Grate Aural Sects
Meowth (inactivity)
Dave Strider
newt (inactivity)

[b]DAY 5[/b]

Mai is lynched

[b]NIGHT 5[/b]

Midnight targets Seritinajii
Blaziking hides behind Seritinajii
Jack inspects Squirrel (mafia)
ole_schooler targets Kirby-Chan
The Mafia target Jack
Kirby-Chan targets Seritinajii (inspect; innocent)


[b]DAY 6[/b]

Squirrel is lynched

[b]NIGHT 6[/b]

The Mafia target Blaziking
Karkat targets ole_schooler
ole_schooler targets Karkat


[b]DAY 7[/b]

Kirby-Chan is lynched

[b]NIGHT 7[/b]

ole_schooler targets Seritinajii
Midnight targets ole_schooler


[b]DAY 8[/b]

Karkat Vantas is lynched

[b]NIGHT 8[/b]

Nobody was able to submit a night action 

[b]DAY 9[/b]

Seritinajii is lynched

[b]NIGHT 9[/b]

Midnight targets Wargle
Wargle is activated

[b]DAY 10[/b]

enekoiru explodes Wargle
Midnight suicides due to BFF/lover pact

<Midnight> ... tailsy can surskitty and I become team skootsnoots
<Midnight> :DD
<Midnight> like, lovers, JUST BECAUSE
<Tailsy> :c that's not how the game works
<Midnight> we query all the time anyway
<Midnight> we'd probably end up talking about it sooner or later
<Midnight> it would be interestiiiing!
<Midnight> (you two query all the time too, right? :o)
<Tailsy> yes, we do~
<Tailsy> but but but :c it seems slightly unfair to let you guys do it
<Midnight> but but lovers! anyway she says she dies early all the time anyway and how the hell am I supposed to win without at least /one/ ally and /puppy-dog eyes?
* Tailsy sigh
<Tailsy> okaaaay
* Midnight clap!! :DDD
<Midnight> tailsy is the beeest
<Tailsy> I will note this in the log
<Midnight> <daikonpan> I am a martyr. :)
<Midnight> <Midnight> what is that, like innocent terrorist?
<Midnight> <daikonpan> yeah
<Midnight> <daikonpan> I have an exploding baseball bat!
<Midnight> <Midnight> ... so yeah, we make like, the worst lover pair ever
<Midnight> <Midnight> we are never going to win :D but what the hell ever!
<Tailsy> yes, you're terrible
<Midnight> so we are totally fine and nothing is out of balance
<Midnight> o/

/dying. /dead.

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