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Daily Pokemon Discussions

I don't like it. It creeped me out in the Mystery Dungeons. In game, it can get really annoying. I don't know whether you all have that same problem, but I always get the dang thing wiping my Pokemon out as soon as they enter the field.
I never cared about Wigglytuff until Mystery Dungeon. The Guildmaster was a really funny and memorable character, so I have a bit of a soft spot for the goofy pink rabbit now.
Pretty sure it's been 24 hours since Wigglytuff, so I'll just use some generator somewhere and today's Pokemon is...



I remember when its shadow was first revealed I was really, really excited by Sawsbuck. It's still one of my gen V favorites. It's really cool that it changes with the seasons, and each of its forms are really nice looking to boot. Physically-oriented grass types are also interesting and I always love things that can take advantage of STAB with Return.
Wigglytuff: It's a Normal-type, it's bright pink, it looks a bit like a rabbit and it has huge eyes. I prefer Clefable.

The Pokédex provides a strange explanation for its Cute Charm ability.

Sawsbuck: Grass-types can go physical and they still look good. And the form differences are interesting.

The moves don't seem that great, most likely because it's a Normal-type with no claws.
Horn Leech seems somewhat more realistic than both Drain Punch and Giga Drain, but it's a bit creepy. All that high-speed ramming... But it would be even creepier if a Pokémon with actual horns knew it. Like this, it's somewhere between that potential creepiness an evil plant goat with sharp root-like horns could give it and the weirdness of Drain Punch.
I like Sawsbuck's looks, but I don't recall ever actually using one in battle.
My favorites are the spring and winter forms.
Venonat are adoracute and fluffy and evolve into venomoth they're amazing too and aaah.
Jirachi: They might be my favorite of the 100-base event legends! After all, they make hopes and dreams come true...
Kangaskhan are these pokemon whose only reason for existence seem to be smashing things and going roaaaarrr. I like them a lot :D They're kind of similar to the nidoroyalty, in my opinion. But I really like the nidoroyalty as well so.
Milotic are sleek and pretty and I like them, I guess, but feebas. I've gotten one through GTS Negotiations and that's wonderful, but I don't think I'll ever use them.
Wigglytuff... well... I was never a fan of them or clefable. Mystery Dungeon makes them a bit better, but it would take a lot to redeem what feels to me like a horrible design.

Sawsbuck's movepool is pretty bland; I tried using them ingame and that... did not work out that well, haha. I really like the fall and winter forms, though!
And here I was catching another every month for that stupid scientist...

Anyways, I really like the winter form, but the others are just alright. I love it's horns and scarf-looking thingy. And it's hooves. those are cool too. I dislike Deerling though. It's a pain.
I remember first seeing it, and instantly wanting one for no good reason, but by the time I got to that route in Sinnoh where they are, I had lost interest. Oh well. It's pretty cute, but not all that interesting in my opinion.
It's cute, even with the fake eyelashes.

I just noticed it has a smiley face on it.

A bit slow, but it has the same base Special Defense as Tentacruel, which is awesome. And then I looked up Tangrowth... Wow. *looks at Roserade's base stats* Seriously, a baby Pokémon?
I only got it in order to complete my PokeDex. It gets really annoying. It only evolves when you have a Remoraid! Why GameFreak?!
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